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  1. sheepeH

    Growing from Seeds, Updates (Pictures) (Help & Advice)

    nice harvest on plant 4 dude.
  2. sheepeH

    My Closet 400W Cooltube project - 28 days into flowering

    hey everyone. thought about sharing something ive been up to lately. this is not my first grow, but I never used a decent 400W HPS on a plant. this one comes from a 'private seed collection' of a friend.. from past tastings I'm in for a treat, very flavoury and dank... but only time will...
  3. sheepeH

    What is up with these

    some strains might not like ph 7 under soil though im not sure that would be the problem. do you feed them every time you water? you should give them some clear water from time to time (I fed mine every other watering)
  4. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    bump would love to hear some opinions
  5. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Day 40 Update I still have the yellowing leaves problem, could be nitrogen deficency? would love some tips on nitrogen boosts for them. how are they looking for day 40?~ bongsmilie
  6. sheepeH

    Can I add a 125w 6400k in flowering

    seconds WvMade... I use a 250w HPS bulb with mixed spectrum cfls for lower bud support and they seem to love it
  7. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    no love? :-(
  8. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Day 35 Bud Shots: unfourtonatly, seeds have formed. I hope it wont overpower the pistil growth rate... buds are looking good though, but you be the judge. :-) one of the plants look abit sick, some of the big fan leaves are yellowing.. I gave it yesterday some water with bit of 20-20-20...
  9. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    oh and btw rep for the intrest thanks
  10. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    well they havent grown in the last few days and I raised the lamp abit higher so its okay, but they only have a couple of inches of space. I only used molasses once, 1tbsp for every 2Liters of water, combined with BioBizz Bloom ( 4ml per 1l water) they yellowing isnt getting worse true to this...
  11. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    yeah Ive noticed some of my lower buds putting out some pollen sacks, I try to snip them as soon as I see them grow to control them basterds. i came to a conclusion that getting a female plant is easy but keeping it 100% female from start to harvest is alot more difficult.
  12. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    can anyone tip me off? 170 views and almost not a single reply :(
  13. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Day 29 Update Almost a month into flowering, buds are growing very nice, yesterday I started adding blackstrap molasses to their diet. Ive got a problem with one of the plants, It started out as a yellow fan leaf with black dots on it, looks like this: since I havent changed anything in the...
  14. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Days 22 Update - BUD SHOTS! well they are 3 days old but I couldnt get myself to get some more pictures. still they are looking nice and fresh :
  15. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    what can I do from stopping the stretch? every day when I check them after the night period I see one of them growing into the bulb, the speed of growth is incredible, but they are getting high and I find myself heightning the bulb every day... plants are already topped. I'm afraid one of them...
  16. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Day 12 Update Well in the last 2 days the plants had a growth burst, pistil-wise. all locations are now showing white yummy hairs. I see a bright future for these two. :) pics:
  17. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    update bump for day 8, getting surprisngly bigger, I was concerend one of them stretched a bit but they seem ok for the moment. hairs coming out everywhere :-)
  18. sheepeH

    250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow

    Hey everyone! For the last month Ive been vegging two seeds that I cross-breeded with my last grow and a friend's sativa plant. this is my second grow, the first one giving pretty poor results (caused by low lights, lots of plants in small pots and general noobnes) but this time I came a bit...
  19. sheepeH

    400W CFL Grow, 26 Days into flowering, getting STINKY!

    day 38, they are liking the new bloom nutes (biobizz bloom) and seem to fatten up a little. I made a video of the growing space, tell me what do you think about it. (I used a magnifying glass to get better focus on the buds from my supershitty phone cam.) (will find a way to upload video...
  20. sheepeH

    What happens if the light stays off for 2hrs during light cycle @ flowering?

    no, my idiot brother plugged the timer off to plug in some stupid ass shit and forgot the plug it in back.