Can I add a 125w 6400k in flowering


Active Member
I just bought a 125w cfl system for veg but when flowering can I add it to my 150 w hps even tho it's a blue spectrum ?


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man... My plants love a Mixed spectrum! i think u just gotta make sure 2500k is your dominant source of light but yea a mix is always good


seconds WvMade... I use a 250w HPS bulb with mixed spectrum cfls for lower bud support and they seem to love it


Well-Known Member
Of course you can my friend.In fact i very very very strongly suggest you do, A mixed spectrum outperforms just using one or the other. Chloroplasts that make energy by interacting with light in photosynthesis come in 2 forms, 1 deals with the blue side of the spectrum and 1 deals with the red side of the spectrum. so using only one spectrum is a huge waste imo, your not allowing the plant to create as much energy as it possibley can.