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  1. GrowBoxer

    How to LST a Bushy Plant?

    This one is almost 4 weeks from seed. It's 3" tall and about 10" wide. How would one go about starting to train it without driving the leaves into the soil? Or is it not yet necessary with a plant like this?
  2. GrowBoxer

    Odd-looking Seedling

    Medium: 3parts Espoma Organic Soil to 1part Pearlite Strain: Mr. Nice Guy (Indica Dominant Hybrid) Lights: 110 watts of CFL (5500k-6500k) Nutrients: None so far, but Jacks Dynamic Duo is all mixed at 1/4 strength and ready. Seedling belongs to a friend of mine, its about 2 weeks out from...
  3. GrowBoxer

    Too late to fertilize?

    Bagseed, probably just some kind of hybrid... I suppose it is too late at this point to add any other nutrients...I guess I'll stop the Molasses in about 2 weeks and harvest in 3-4.
  4. GrowBoxer

    Too late to fertilize?

    I feel like I either got really lucky or the molasses has been working wonders cause shes only been flowering for a month and the buds are already big and crystally...
  5. GrowBoxer

    Too late to fertilize?

    She was 8 weeks old tuesday, flowering for 4, all CFL. Ive been using only Molasses as far as nutrients go, would it be too late to add some sort of bloom fertilizer in a small dose? I'm just looking to up the yield as much as possible at this point, I plan on flowering for at lest another...
  6. GrowBoxer

    ~8 week update!

    You know something about what the strain might be? Thanks for all the compliments, Its my first grow and its surprisingly going really smoothly... Any tips on how much longer she might flower?
  7. GrowBoxer

    ~8 week update!

    I have 2x 26 watt and 1x 42 watt for just that one plant... How many plants do u have?
  8. GrowBoxer

    ~8 week update!

    Just about 3-4...
  9. GrowBoxer

    ~8 week update!

    Here she is! About 8 weeks from seed. I counted 26 bud sites not including the top one!! Using Molasses for some added nutrients and sugars/carbs or whathefuckever.... Comments?
  10. GrowBoxer


    If you all still care it was for sure a male...The pre flower that looked female ended up looking a lot more male like 2 days later.
  11. GrowBoxer

    What can I do at this point to increase yield?

    So what would happen if I ran some water over the root ball, replanted into some more organic soil, and started with the fox farm flowering ferts? fox farm flowering ferts...try to say that 10 times fast.
  12. GrowBoxer

    What can I do at this point to increase yield?

    Yeah I plan to CFL all the way. Shes in flower now, just noticing pistils really starting to show up at the top. new pot next week and I'm def adding more light sooner or later. If Ive been adding no nutes other than Molasses, is it too late to start now?
  13. GrowBoxer

    What can I do at this point to increase yield?

    No ferts so far. The plant is in miracle grow soil unfortunately, but I plan on switching to something less threatening next week when I repot. But since MG has ferts in it, I haven't added extra yet as to avoid any burning. The only thing that I have put into it is a little bit of unsulphured...
  14. GrowBoxer

    What can I do at this point to increase yield?

    She's coming up on 6 weeks old, about a week and a half into flower. She lost her brother a couple days ago, but she seems to be enjoying the alone time. ~12" tall and pretty bushy toward the bottom as you can see. Any suggestions? I have a cheapie 17 watt flouro grow light that I got...
  15. GrowBoxer


    one of my others has a single VERY female looking preflower that I noticed today on the highest node, but its to small to photograph. Actually it was originally taller than the others by like 3/4 of an inch but now its actually a little shorter, but that might be because its on the edge of the...
  16. GrowBoxer


    That particular preflower is tantalizingly pointy-shaped, but its on the same plant as the other pictures, which look really really male. Jesus u probably know a lot, can I have a nonfigurative answer?
  17. GrowBoxer


    Ok I'll wait. Just wondering though...I didn't think a plant could turn out to be female after showing preflowers that resemble a little ball on a little stem?
  18. GrowBoxer


    Its not my only plant, but it would certainly free up a lot more space for lights in my I wanna get it out of there as soon as its %100 for sure male...can someone confirm that, or is it still to early?
  19. GrowBoxer


    I just don't wanna murder it prematurely. It's time?
  20. GrowBoxer


    About 5 weeks from seed, 9-10" tall and pretty bushy. 2nd day of 12/12 after a 36 hour dark period. All pictures are from the same plant, just higher and lower nodes. Is it 100% absitively posolutely a male? Is it time to hold an execution?