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  1. GrowBoxer

    Preflowers at 3 weeks from seed? Male?

    I know the pics aren't what they could be... Is it male or is it just too early to tell?
  2. GrowBoxer

    CFL Grow Box 3 week update

    Well this ones gonna be an all CFL grow, but based on what I know, switching to a 400w HPS will always give you a better yield in flowering.
  3. GrowBoxer

    CFL Grow Box 3 week update

    Heres some pics of the babies at 3 weeks old! Thats a Flouro Growlight from walmart and some 26 Watt CFLs. Installing 2 more lights in a week. Thoughts, comments? Disclaimer: All photographs uploaded were given to me by a third party, and I am in no way associated with any illegal...
  4. GrowBoxer

    Seedling help?

    Kk cool, thanks for all the good advice. I'm linking my other thread with pics of the grow box---> , you'll notice I only have room for one plant in there. I sort of germinated seeds on a whim, and I threw a single-plant box...
  5. GrowBoxer

    Seedling help?

    Yes, I know all of this. I made some mistakes a few days ago, but I have since done some reading and know better. They're not close enough or large enough to affect each other yet, and I plan on separating them into better soil ASAP. But I want to know if you think the shock of a second move...
  6. GrowBoxer

    Seedling help?

    So we have 2 seedlings in a grow box, 2X 26 watt 6500k CFL bulbs 2 inches away, with intake and exhaust fans. One of the seedlings fell a distance of about 2 feet onto the ground in a small pot about 4 days ago. The plant fell out, some roots were broken but most were intact, and the...
  7. GrowBoxer

    Frist Grow Box

    Ohh and thanks for such speedy replies...
  8. GrowBoxer

    Frist Grow Box

    Well that's a good question. The plant on the left fell over while in it's small pot, so I went into emergency Re-potting mode and put them both in the same pot. That happened about 32 hours ago, and I cant tell if the one that fell is healthy or not, as it pretty much looks the same as the...
  9. GrowBoxer

    Frist Grow Box

    So about a week ago a friend of mine germinated two seeds on a whim, and decided to do a little growing. Once the seeds were germinated, they were planted in some potting soil, in which they sprouted and grew to about 1-2". My friend did some reading online and really put some research into...