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  1. skeeterbob

    anyone know about nirvana stanew

    wonder woman and snow white are both great, I just recently harvested some wonder woman, snow white and Deep purple (from TGA) outta the three i like the Deep Purp best for the high and the other two for the taste.
  2. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    she already spermed all over my plants! lol so im keepin her
  3. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    ya i kinda figured shes on her way out but she is pollinated with a hermie so i was kinda waitin on those seeds to develop.
  4. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

  5. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    no the NL is on the right, nothing wrong with that plant. Its also by royal queen and its an auto flower. the two on the left are the ones im having problems with
  6. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    i am on week nine of the fox farm nute program. so i dont know how to spell that out but heres a link to what ive been giving them now i feed all three the same and only the middle one is f'ed up. the haze plant on the end has some yellowing...
  7. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    so i dont know if that was the problem, i flushed and it got way worse... dunno what happend here but could it be a def? some of the leaves now have black dots on them.... of course its the effected fan leaves. but now its not just lower. all of the fan leaves are fucked.
  8. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    is the nute burn to both or just the one?
  9. skeeterbob

    Plant problem. Any help?

    Ok so i have one plant with some of the leaves turning yellow, i thought this would be an N def. but i doubled with the food trying to get more N into her but still nothing happend its been about a week or two. now the other problem i have is one of my plants has all green leaves, you can tell...
  10. skeeterbob

    12 Auto's on a budget.

    each plant will get about two feet tall and you need a five gallon bucket to start them in.. dont transplant. so you will need 12 five gallon buckets, do you have room for that?
  11. skeeterbob

    TGA-Time Wreck

    dont think 200 is worth it just to try out some seeds that might not be that stable yet.
  12. skeeterbob

    Bud pollinated!

    Thanks for the suggestions! id take pics but im lazy and dont feel like doing it yet... plus u cant see the seeds yet i just know its pollinated.
  13. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    so im ignorant because you don't think Americans are greedy? farmers have no money! they are losing there farms due to this shitty economy... they would switch in a heart beat! just because a farmer farms corn all the time doesnt mean shit. they ahve to switch up the crop every few years just to...
  14. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    Now this is the kinda stuff im lookin for!!! and i agree with everything you put in your post +rep!
  15. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    lol ur funny... are you like six?? EXPERIENCED is a very good word for you to use since FARMERS would not be experienced in making bud to SMOKE. They will be growing HEMP which involves a WEED PLANT which will create POLLEN when the males are grown. This will then POLLINATE all your...
  16. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    anyone else have any opinions?
  17. skeeterbob

    Bud pollinated!

    I got a question, is it worth taking a plant that has been flowering for 3 or 4 weeks and was pollinated by a hermie and finishing it? it has no tricomes yet so im thinkin it probably garbage. i had an auto that was almost finished... pollinated. lots of seeds starting to come it. i will keep...
  18. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    im not sayin all the farmers would head over to this but weed is not just good to smoke... if they ever leagalized it, it would not to be just for smoke... it would be incorporated into everything, paper, cars, bottles... the would use it for much more then to smoke. now with that they dont...
  19. skeeterbob

    Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!

    this guy is probably on roids or some other shit like that... doesnt count
  20. skeeterbob

    If weed was FULLY LEGAL?

    What would happen if they legalized weed? Legal for everyone, like tobacco. What i think would happen is first off we would generate alot of income for our country. It is the number one cash crop right? Well with that being said all the farmers are going to jump on that band wagon. so now...