If weed was FULLY LEGAL?


Active Member
What would happen if they legalized weed? Legal for everyone, like tobacco.

What i think would happen is first off we would generate alot of income for our country. It is the number one cash crop right? Well with that being said all the farmers are going to jump on that band wagon. so now what happens? well i think since all the farmers are jumping on this that it would screw all the quality of weed. we would only have swag to smoke. i think this because most farmers are going to grow in mas quantity not quality. fields and fields and fields of pot = a shit ton of pollen going in to your indoor grow rooms and shit. i think if it was totally legal we would be harming something that is good, you would not have a medicinal purpose for this lovely plant cuz all you can get is shitty shit from it after everything is constantly being pollinated. Am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
If marijuana became legal almost half the cops in the country would be unemployed, a quarter the prisons would be shut down, cities would go broke from the lack of forfeiture and fine proceeds, and almost half a million people that work in the courts, jails, and rehab facilities would be out of a job. These are the people that benefit from prohibition and are being funded by our tax dollars and the 858,408 people arrested every year (one every 30 seconds) for the simple use of marijuana.


Ursus marijanus
If weed were *fully legal* then *nothing* would stand between me and my ongoing efforts to grow my own premium connoisseur dankness.

If we look at the legal drugs ... alcohol, tobacco, caffeine ... we have two definite tiers of product, and of consumer. Cigs, 40s and Folger's on the one hand, Cohibas and Dunhill pipes, Dom Pérignon and Laphroaig and Sumatran cappuccino on the other. Weed would be no different ... let Wal-Mart sell "Marlbud". I'll smoke "pinky out", always.

<edit> The positives I see are Big Tobacco inventing a truly effective bud-trimming machine ... assuming they don't just hire sticky-fingered migrant workers .... cn


I don't believe that all the farmers would jump on the marijuana band wagon. I think most grows will be done indoors on a massive industrial warehouse scale. I do agree with cannabineer in that there will be a choice of 'good shit' and 'mediocre' shit. Who want's to smoke ditchweed? More importantly, if all the farmers started growing marijuana there would be a massive world wide food shortage and what are you going to do when you get the munchies?


New Member
If marijuana became legal almost half the cops in the country would be unemployed, a quarter the prisons would be shut down, cities would go broke from the lack of forfeiture and fine proceeds, and almost half a million people that work in the courts, jails, and rehab facilities would be out of a job. These are the people that benefit from prohibition and are being funded by our tax dollars and the 858,408 people arrested every year (one every 30 seconds) for the simple use of marijuana.
Chicago is going to Fine you and combined with the savings not prosecuting weed smokers they plan on saving tens of millions a year


Well-Known Member
outdoor grows would be ruined by all the errant pollen floating around from all the tom, dick, n harry grows out there. The true connoisseur growers would be pushed inside.

I dont care what happens to the economy, anything sustained through lies and deceit needs to collapse anyway.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Two entities profit from keeping Mary Jane illegal; the criminal justice system and drug dealers. How soon will pot be legalized? Which one of the two entities mentioned make the laws?


Well-Known Member
Its terribly ignorant to think that weed would only drop in quality if legalized,simply because of cross polinization or whatever,It would become so much more when done properly,but theres a problem and it is the system that has criminalized it that has been the prob since day 1 we know this.So much more beneficial when legal,which one day it will be and the feds can piss off.


New Member
If it became totally legal
Nothing would stop Big ag from Producing SUPER weed

Weed so Powerful You dont smoke it
You just look at it and you are stoned

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
If it became totally legal
Nothing would stop Big ag from Producing SUPER weed

Weed so Powerful You dont smoke it
You just look at it and you are stoned
I'm not quite there yet as a grower. With my weed, you don't get stoned by just looking at it, but it sure makes your eyes red as hell. :lol:



Active Member

Weed would become better and better. Honestly, think about it. If it was legal and not taboo people (and corporations) could openly breed and experiment to obtain the highest quality.

It would still be illegal for YOU to grow. I would bet their would be some crazy rules about growing it at home. Just think, tobacco companies would want to be on the fore-front of the "smoke" industry so they would lobby for the most favorable laws for their profits.

It is HIGHLY unlikely huge amounts of pollen would be flying all over the world. In the event many farmers plowed their fields of corn, barely, wheat, etc, etc, under the free market would have prices corrected after the first one or two years. How many farmers plowed under wheat to plant corn for the stupid ethanol boom? How many farmers saw wheat prices boom the subsequent year?

Yes, it would hurt the "law" industry. So many good people get in trouble for mundane marijuana issues. Morally, it would be the best thing that could ever happen.


Active Member

Weed would become better and better. Honestly, think about it. If it was legal and not taboo people (and corporations) could openly breed and experiment to obtain the highest quality.

It would still be illegal for YOU to grow. I would bet their would be some crazy rules about growing it at home. Just think, tobacco companies would want to be on the fore-front of the "smoke" industry so they would lobby for the most favorable laws for their profits.

It is HIGHLY unlikely huge amounts of pollen would be flying all over the world. In the event many farmers plowed their fields of corn, barely, wheat, etc, etc, under the free market would have prices corrected after the first one or two years. How many farmers plowed under wheat to plant corn for the stupid ethanol boom? How many farmers saw wheat prices boom the subsequent year?

Yes, it would hurt the "law" industry. So many good people get in trouble for mundane marijuana issues. Morally, it would be the best thing that could ever happen.
im not sayin all the farmers would head over to this but weed is not just good to smoke... if they ever leagalized it, it would not to be just for smoke... it would be incorporated into everything, paper, cars, bottles... the would use it for much more then to smoke. now with that they dont care about killing males, they would let them grow because the farmer has a damn field growing vs a room for smoke.


Active Member
You really think experienced farmers wouldn't know to get rid of their males?
What are you six?
lol ur funny... are you like six?? EXPERIENCED is a very good word for you to use since FARMERS would not be experienced in making bud to SMOKE. They will be growing HEMP which involves a WEED PLANT which will create POLLEN when the males are grown. This will then POLLINATE all your EXPERIENCED growers FEMALE WEED PLANTS. Now if you take all the BOLD words and focus on them when you read it might help your understanding of what i am talking about.


Well-Known Member
Sure there will be hemp farmers... but probably only in areas that the weather conditions aren't very good at all for growing quality herb. You think anyone in the cali, or any other place where the outdoor conditions permit for great bud, would be growing hemp over weed? Maybe if someone wanted to sabotage growers they would, but otherwise no. They want their money too. As you said, cash crop. Hemp isn't nearly as much of a cash crop as superior mj. Use your brain.
Also, you really think that an experienced farmer can't or wouldn't grow bud? Why the fuck wouldn't they?


New Member
Sure there will be hemp farmers... but probably only in areas that the weather conditions aren't very good at all for growing quality herb. You think anyone in the cali, or any other place where the outdoor conditions permit for great bud, would be growing hemp over weed? Maybe if someone wanted to sabotage growers they would, but otherwise no. They want their money too. As you said, cash crop. Hemp isn't nearly as much of a cash crop as superior mj. Use your brain.
Also, you really think that an experienced farmer can't or wouldn't grow bud? Why the fuck wouldn't they?
Legalized weed would mean there would be no profit incentive to Grow marijuana. Hemp would actually be the cash crop


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that all the farmers would jump on the marijuana band wagon. I think most grows will be done indoors on a massive industrial warehouse scale. I do agree with cannabineer in that there will be a choice of 'good shit' and 'mediocre' shit. Who want's to smoke ditchweed? More importantly, if all the farmers started growing marijuana there would be a massive world wide food shortage and what are you going to do when you get the munchies?
it would more likely be giant green houses that use the suns light with supplemental light here and there. Just to keep the climate controlled and the pests out. A full indoor grow would be to costly. that's like thinking farmers water all their plants every day. they pray for rain but when shit gets bad they just water one chunk of their farm.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will ever be FULLY legal like tobacco, I think it'll be regulated like HARD alcohol, which means varying levels of control and taxation, state to state.

But, I'll take on your premise, and address a few issues brought up by others.

Given the huge swathes of land in the US, we would very quickly hit the balance of production quantities, with the cost to produce + tax + whatever will hit what the users are willing to pay, and then take no more land.

Because it won't be profitable to do it. Just like any other commodity.

Even with about 1/2 the country smoking, and smoking ALL THE TIME, in 1965, we didn't use all the farmland for tobacco.


Most of the pot smokers I know treat it like alcohol. And don't use it at work. Just because it is legal doesn't mean it is a good idea, and usually a fireable offense.

So, in actual land use, not a real big issue.

But then, move on to hemp. OH MY GOD YES.

Hemp has so many uses I can imagine 20-30% of the total US farmland converting to it in a few years. And they don't care about getting rid of males. They are going to factory produce as much as possible.

The outdoor cannabis growers are fucked.

Let's say it one more time.

The outdoor cannabis growers are fucked.

Before you argue with this please read a few dozen links from the following google query.


The indoor guys should already have decent filtration systems for the air coming in to keep out pests. They may have to upgrade them a bit for the new pollen.

But the outdoor guys? Nope. So this will bring in a 2 tier quality/pricing scheme. Seedy outdoor pot or no seeds indoor.

Note: Seedy weed is NOT bad weed. It is annoying weed. Get rid of the seeds and you lose (ehhh, pulling out of my ass) 2/3rds weight. But the remaining weed is still good, at least if it is fresh and the genetics were decent in the 1st place. The sun is better than ANY indoor light (excepting high UV burn finishing lights), so don't expect the quality to be poor just because the plants are big and seedy. It'll just be "regional", ie: Hey, I got some decent idaho pot over here. Hah, I got some kick-ass texas weed myself.

But the ability to produce it outdoors for far less than indoors will cause a corresponding price drop, and then it'll only be an issue of snob factor. Think 20 foot high plants, are far as the eye can see, harvested with a combine. Actual cost to produce will go to pennies on the ounce.

Certain isolated areas like the Hawaii will probably enforce a no hemp law to ensure their pristine cannabis crops aren't harmed.

Which then leads me to: Imports!

Imported weed will compete with local weed. The only reason most of the world is against cannabis is because of the stupid US laws and our treaties with them. The whole world will be growing the moment it is legal at the federal level.

Hell, other countries are PISSED at us. Think about this. We send in the DEA to support their armies to eradicate huge areas of pot. Many people DIE in the process. They hear a helicopter, and they know the DEA is about to rain hellfire over them.

And then, what happens? We have huge chunks of California growing vast amounts of weed, and it is RARELY stormtroopered by the feds. Sure, you see the occasional story hit the news, but it is rare, as compared to the amount OBVIOUSLY out there.

Competing with the Columbian weed. That the US sent soldiers to eradicate. Those Columbians gotta be pissed. Looks like a mob turf war.

So when neighboring states start allowing weed trade (like neighboring states do with liquor), what stops them from importing outside the US as well? The feds. so before we hit full repeal, we'll see some interesting legal battles in those areas.

Various areas of the world are better suited for certain strains. And those strains will get a premium (think thai-stick, if you are as old as me). So those areas will have to determine what best to plant, and also cooperate with their neighbors. If you put up a 7 mile barrier between your crop and your neighbor's, and there is a forest in between, you MAY be ok. Not sure though. It'll be an interesting dilemma for those who stay outside.

Did I miss anything?