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  1. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Mike? Is that you? Jdizzle? Remember me? (TWILIGHT ZONE INTRO MUSIC) :hump:
  2. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Aint it the truth, man if i were to go and buy a 1300 light imma post some shit about it to make sure no one buys it if it sucks or to have ppl invest if its good. im no advertiser i just want leds to become more mainstream.. the more ppl that buy the cheaper it gets and the better brands weed...
  3. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    but why did they take the information about the parallel circuit off their site? Does that mean that the new models for 2011 can have a diode go out and disrupt all of the lights? because a couple of weeks ago they were touting that the 500 had some spec that would keep all the lights from going...
  4. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    So I have picked my led light system brand, I am going with Grow Led Hydro's Spectra, But i have a question (hoping that GLH, will be here listening, because i have emailed them over and over, prlly not their fault considering everyone else emailing them) But i digress. The new website is...
  5. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    dont let the haters get to you man, your info is sooo much more important to this thread, we need to keep it alive.:leaf:
  6. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    A 240w veg blackstar must be a typo, i have never seen a 6band 240 for veg they only have a 180.
  7. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Im not just looking for 240s, im also lookin for the 500s, so im curious on this dudes dad. interesting to say the least
  8. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    what the heck, amazon and gothams site isnt selling the 500 or the 240 anymore. anyone know whats up with this.
  9. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    its so easy to make a mistake with these types of lights. Your better off "reading it like a book" some of the stuff is invaluable. 2cents you can order off of amazon for blackstar, and growledhydro for spectra, 357 Magnum takes some finding just because the name gets thrown in with guns, pies...
  10. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Exactly, cause there is soo much positive propaganda out there. You would be helping so many other ppl by exposing them.
  11. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Yikes, now it all makes sense. They are giving lights away in contests on facebook, for awhile i thought it was rigged. Now it makes sense there using them in a PR campaign to make other companies look bad... And they are doing it with defective lights. I heard they are coming out with a...
  12. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    Ive used silk dresses from my love, they work enough to get some bubbley but not enough. sigh, and there is no other distribes. Sad cause if someone came out with screen bags cheaper than bubble bags. man o man, theyd be makin some dough. so im thinking of getting a blackstar, do you think...
  13. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    nice, looks like a green sugar speckled eclaire goodness; on the outside as well as the in. :eyesmoke:
  14. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    anyone heard of rtg cel? they dont flicker? do regular leds flicker or a ploy. most bodybuilding companies do this because its not a controlled market much like this. anyone can say anything, and what will ya do if your unhappy. This is black market shit. The anator p70 look that shit up. it...
  15. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    i was looking on their site. how much do you think the 600 pulles? im not buying the 600 cause its not on amazon and it makes me feel wierd that its on one site and not the other. also it looks exactly like the 500 lol. just wondering if youve heard of this. And yeah proper ventilation is soo...
  16. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    what are your temps out of curiosity? should i build a glass thermal reflector so it all directs towards the cfm fan? im thinking of at least 3x3x5-6? might make or buy lots of choices.;)
  17. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    so your saying that they will be fine in a grow tent? are you saying thay blackstar doesnt use a heatsink? isnt that bad?
  18. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    hey hudson, you have opened up the blackstar models right what temps do they put out? i was curious because some say that they make temps in grow rooms over 100 degrees. is this bullshit, cuz that was my only reason for not getting their 500w. BTW i really digg the work youve done, providing us...
  19. JohnSena1noob

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    I really like how Mcdonald's is helping you grow pot. McCafe lol. Nice work using the cup as a humidity dome, some times you gotta get crafty. Subbed.
  20. JohnSena1noob

    Led Users Unite!

    yikes, you must have spent a small fortune. Dude i would not buy that much unless he was willing to work a deal. You must have a lot of money, what if the product doesnt work well? you should have atleast experimented, thats kind of a huge buy for the cheapest light out there. but they could...