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  1. Tofum

    Cfl's: 6500k vs 2700k

    Ah, thank you ill have to check that out. I wish could get some of those high wattage cfls online, but i dont really have a credit card :(
  2. Tofum

    Cfl's: 6500k vs 2700k

    Thank you, all feedback is appreciated :) I would definitely buy some 40 watt 6500ks if i could find them!
  3. Tofum

    Cfl's: 6500k vs 2700k

    Yes, this i know. I was just curious if throwing in some 2700k with the higher wattage in the veg stage would outweigh the advantages of having the proper spectrum bulb
  4. Tofum

    Cfl's: 6500k vs 2700k

    So when i grew my first plant, for the veg stage i used some 26 watt(highest wattage i could find) 6500k cfls and some 40 watt 2700 cfls for flowering. Now would it be more worthwhile just to use the 2700 lights for the extra wattage instead of using the 6500k at first, or maybe a combination...
  5. Tofum

    Plant drying out! Please help!

    it may very well just be heat but i got it in a nice open room, im not sure how to cool the air without letting light leak.
  6. Tofum

    Plant drying out! Please help!

    i properly set the ph for everything that goes into the plant. Been giving it tomato/vege ferts 15 15 30. I had a lot of problems with this plant in vegging, it was neglected a little but was fixed and later flourished. Ill show some pics of early veg. Day 28 Day 36 Day 54 It started pretty...
  7. Tofum

    I hate being new to this...dead or not?

    Well they look pretty sickly, you might just want to restart. They are clearly stretching, get the light closer and more of it. Also, the mg soil can be too strong at this age, start them in plain soil as they do not need nutes this early, and transplant to mg later.
  8. Tofum

    Plant drying out! Please help!

    My plants leaves starting drying and going brown out at an alarming rate. How can i save it?
  9. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Any tips are would be greatly appreciated. I panicked and flushed it so would you say its alright to stop nutes now?
  10. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Heres the pics Any ideas whats wrong with it? Should i have trimmed it, i was told not to.
  11. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Well my sister is the one who keeps telling me im not being stealthy enough. She also convinced me not to order ph stuff off ebay. Maybe i am a little reckless. New pics in a minute
  12. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Haha... yeah i guess. I should stop listening to my sister ><
  13. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    you think its completely safe to post on this site?
  14. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    well i try to keep them as close as possible without burning. I feed them every second watering. Its my first grow and i stopped asking for help on this forum awhile ago due to paranoia o.O
  15. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Im using some tomato/vege fert. Its 15-15-30 i figure i need something higher in K and lower in N but can't find much around here :{. I figure the temp is a little high too, its been an ongoing problem ive been trying to take care of, its more evident in the second plant i think. Complete cfl...
  16. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    In the mean time heres my other one, they are complete opposites.
  17. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Ill post some more pics tomorrow, this thing is a freaking bush. Lots of the lower leaves are getting discolored and crispy, i figured it was a natural part of the flowering stage.
  18. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    Best i got : I know the buds are small, i just figured i failed. Maybe i should have trimmed.
  19. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    The reason im asking is because most of the hairs have turned orange. I can't get a good look at the trichomes without a magnifying glass :\
  20. Tofum

    Ready For Harvest?

    ISO knowledge.