Ready For Harvest?


The reason im asking is because most of the hairs have turned orange. I can't get a good look at the trichomes without a magnifying glass :\


Best i got :P1010011.jpgP1010006.jpg

I know the buds are small, i just figured i failed. Maybe i should have trimmed.


Weed Modifier
The reason im asking is because most of the hairs have turned orange. I can't get a good look at the trichomes without a magnifying glass :\
When she has almost no new pistles(white ones) growing from the buds she is can pick up a scope and look through that if you really want to be accurate on when she is ripe! Looks good so far only very tips have had slight nute burn but that is fairly minor....looks good so far man.

Now you post more pics


Ill post some more pics tomorrow, this thing is a freaking bush. Lots of the lower leaves are getting discolored and crispy, i figured it was a natural part of the flowering stage.


Weed Modifier
Ill post some more pics tomorrow, this thing is a freaking bush. Lots of the lower leaves are getting discolored and crispy, i figured it was a natural part of the flowering stage.
What are you feeding and what soil,lights etc
Discoloring is not good saw in the New pics you just posted some nute def signs....and the curling up leaves are a sign of heat stress, what is your Temp/Humidity?


Weed Modifier
cfls far away are they?
what is your feed schedual? are you in soil?

Failing is when they die! And if you get to smoke it Success! lol


Im using some tomato/vege fert. Its 15-15-30 i figure i need something higher in K and lower in N but can't find much around here :{. I figure the temp is a little high too, its been an ongoing problem ive been trying to take care of, its more evident in the second plant i think. Complete cfl grow, got about 8 26watters. As for humidity, i think i'm good in that department.


well i try to keep them as close as possible without burning. I feed them every second watering. Its my first grow and i stopped asking for help on this forum awhile ago due to paranoia o_O


Weed Modifier
you think its completely safe to post on this site?
I would rather post shit here then tell people around me.
I have not heard of any that had a problem from posting on a site? I don't think that they are interested in small gardens for personal use...waste of time really, they would be more into finding the big wigs....who do it for $$$ And have fields of the shit.

Just don't post personal info a pic of you or your bills or something that would give you away.


Sure you need to stop listenning her. xD. Anyway, who knows if that photos its really yours and not taken from another website? Plus Lime73 is right, who give a fuck for small time farmers? Anyway, she is hella cute, good work.. Post them photos when you haverst them.

Well my sister is the one who keeps telling me im not being stealthy enough. She also convinced me not to order ph stuff off ebay. Maybe i am a little reckless. New pics in a minute