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  1. orange crush

    The Best Bud Ever

    some chick at my school i know was smokin some crack one day by the gym i was fuckin shocked cuz u usually can tell whos a baser anyways i went up to her and broke her crack pipe she was mad at me then but after a week she thanked me i felt like a bud man hero
  2. orange crush

    Blown High

    yeah i know what your talkin about when it gets dark as fuck for like 5 seconds and its kinda like a movie everything comes back to you thats the best
  3. orange crush

    Blown High

    from personal experience: i known for me that foods like snacks or sweets do not blow your high its more of shit like steaks or big meals. Foods may vary from diffrent people
  4. orange crush

    The Best Bud Ever

    i live in tampa, Florida and it's been pretty dry lately even the cops now they posted somthing on our highways that says you think its dry wait til christmas which is fucked up anyways the best bud is probably orange crush or cryptonite
  5. orange crush

    Having a toke with mum and dad????

    my mom, dad, stepdad, brother and aunt all smoke and my grandparents used to smoke they used to have a bowl, and bottle of jak next too her ash tray on her porch lol
  6. orange crush - Can I really buy buds of them?

    that shits a scam my dumbass friend bought that shit i ask him for the site and sade some of the bud just looks fake anyways he never got it in the mail and they took his money
  7. orange crush

    newb problemes

    of course it has a fan it's between 85 and 80 during the day but it gets too cold somtimes at night i turn up the heater so it's like 70 and 85 during night my step dad spent some money on this bitch
  8. orange crush

    newb problemes

    it in a greenhouse thats heated at his house
  9. orange crush

    newb problemes

    ok im growin sum plants i got from my stepdad because he had to go on a buisneess trip and ask if i could take care of them he told me to put nutrients in it but didn't say what kind or the strain it's about to flower i can tell it's an outside grow plz hellllpppp
  10. orange crush

    Typical noob question

    is weed smoke bad for the plants or just cigs
  11. orange crush

    Black leaves

    yo it's probably just a rare strain i got some purple erkle strain and it has similar qualities except the stems were purple Send some pics