Typical noob question


Active Member
Ok, my friends brother who grows had to quit his operation for some reason, as a result, I now have 12 plants roughly 3 feet tall, and starting to flower in my cloest under a 5' flourescent. They are all in these Grodan sponge deals, all im doing is watering them periodically, the plants all appear very healthy....is there any way this is going to yeild something decent just watering it. Also, ive smoked some of this dudes shit in the past, and it was good, but at this point it does not have an overwhelmingly dank smell in the closet, should it when its starting to flower?


Active Member
if you're hiding 12 3 foot plants in your closet, from your parents ill b the first to say, you're getting caught. how long have they been growing, also get a few pics and we can help you out. in the mean time, airfreshener.s


Active Member
ha, no im 24, live in a rented house...smell is not of concern

I dont have a digital camera either

Also, I smoke cigarettes in my room, with the closet door closed....how bad is this for the plants as long as I'm not smoking with the closet door open.


Active Member
Well, I live in Minnesota, so that is kinda not an option :-)

What will the effects be, will it actually kill a plant or just reduce its yield?


Well-Known Member
ya, all smoke is bad for plants, try to keep it away. and no it wont kill ur plant, just piss it off, youll see in the lack of growth an yeald


Well-Known Member
it will clog up the glands for discharging water and intaking air, harsh stinky yield too