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  1. O

    The happening..

    According to my last out of body experience that would be a complete Yes.
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    Simulation theory.

    Yeh was a nice read indeed, best wishes with your common cold 'neer.
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    how would we look un-shaven?

    Living in an arctic country for the better part of my life made me wear long Johns on a daily basis for the longer time of the year. I use to have verry hairy leggs, but thanks to the 'hair grinding effect' of the long Johns, I now got leggs like a Rooster. My pony tail & pony beard helps...
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    Can you have a baby in Heaven?

    Now it's getting funny as I think to clearly understand most of what he says. Maybe things are more easy to understand ones you been exposed to some outerbody experience and been engaging yourselves with meditation. Different insights will apear more easely to understand that way, but it would...
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    Can you have a baby in Heaven?

    The force is strong in you young padawan.. eheh :D Maybe you got to stare at my lines real hard and real long untill you begin connecting some dots...? If I can do it why can't you? Aren't we both possesing the same human genome that's supposed to be able figuring shit out ? Ah well, most...
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    Can you have a baby in Heaven?

    I 'd rather consider Heaven to be our collective gene depot & (sub)conscience that's funtioning on micro as well as macro scale simultaniously . Fromout this perception your objective would be to reprocreate perpetually & in disregard of how you would name the location of where now exactly this...
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    Jups, that would totally work well on a collective scale I bet.
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    Now why would you want that? ( I suppose you just ment to crack us up right?)
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    hmm, I see it going hand in hand though. stuff & 'meat' just happens but hope and meaning only just arrived on an evolutionary scale. Its time we start putting it to work for us. Makes me wonder why we develloped a sense for 'hope' in the first place. Prolly it has got to do when we...
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    I don't seem to find an actual 'stance' on your responce CB, I merely let it float in my head and notice the things you would like to get us improved upon. I noticed I do find recognition when comparing your hopes to mines. By using this as a tool to solve my motivational crisis I mean...
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    I been reading your post several times Cannabineer and found it verry interesting & inspiring. Thanks for playing by the rules btw :) Even the part in defyence of my request was fair enough. I personally don't know what I am in that respect, I can think up all kinds of schools of thought without...
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    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

    What would you wish upon humanity if you were God? I try to look at life from different angles and hope to find motivation that could give it a different twist in order to move forwards. I 'm not realy depressed or something, just a little stuck in life as I lack in motivation to move on...
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    Iranian Auto Test thread

    @ chongsbuddy, Thats because there pretty much WAS no end product duh, lol Iranians at 65 th northern lattitude do not even remotely finnish due to the fact that it is NOT a true auto flowering plant. period.
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    Iranian Auto Flower(Drgreenthumb) & The Ultimate(Dutchpassion)

    @ OG Man. NOT outdoors straight from seed while starting at the beginning of may! Possibly with all kinds of pre grow and artificial lightning shortage tricks then sure, but that's how you get every early and regular strain to finnish in Norway. But If you tell me your mate starts them from...
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    Iranain Autoflower Indoor Grow

    Yups and so I did and what a harvest I got pfff. nah, it NEVER finnished. The first frost apeared at the beginning of november and after that the plants just died. I only harvested a shit load of immature little buds not worth the investment.( immature like in 3e week of flowering under...
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    Bee THC!!! Nowhere else to Place thread!!!??!!

    Will they consume the pollen of male cannabis? Underwritten is a quote from a friend of mines. We realy must get to settle this now for ones and for all. :) I still think the whole "honey high" is bull (read the whole thread), but he ones read something that never left his mind and now he...
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    Iranian Short Season... Resource Thread ...

    Yeh, it is obviously just a light sensitive plant, doesn't have nothing to do with auto flowering at all.
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    Iranain Autoflower Indoor Grow

    Good to know, thanks for info. I ment that when outdoor temps get lower, all processes in a plant go slower too wich makes it take longer for the plant to ripen.
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    Iranain Autoflower Indoor Grow

    Usually rather cold, often rainey, high humidity levels. A mold and toprots heaven so to say. Done by september? I doubt. I donno how fast this strain is but all strains perform worse at lower temps, so we,'ll see about that.
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    Iranian Short Season... Resource Thread ...

    Well, the Iranians started flowering on the 25th of july. That is anyway earlyer than most of my early's Gotto have good luck with a not too early onset of nightfrost tho. So they have been in veg for some 80 days or 11 weeks. The stem has a diameter that is almost as thick as a...