No Feed, Water Only Amended FFOF


Active Member
Need a little advice.
I don't have the space to make (cook) a Super Soil so I was thinking of amending FFOF to make it a water only soil.

What do you think about my recipe?

1 - Bag FFOF

1/2- Bag Happy Frog

Happy Frog All Purpose 5-5-5, 2-table spoons per gal

Kelp Meal, 1-table spoon per gal

Dolomite Lime 1-table spoon per gal

Ewc 1/2 cup per gal




Well-Known Member
Hmmm does not seem like enough nutrients to be a water. Only. How much soil are you going to need. I think there is always room to cook. Even with just the kelp and dolomite you will want to age your soil. IMO


Well-Known Member
I don't need much, maybe 20-25 gals.

Is aging the same as cooking?
Yes. 25 g should be no problem. Get a 35 g or so plastic tote. 30 days good to go. And for water only. I would still do a few compost teas to get soil alive and happy. But i would personally so 3x as much nutrients. And you will Need minerals as well.


Well-Known Member
Need a little advice.
I don't have the space to make (cook) a Super Soil so I was thinking of amending FFOF to make it a water only soil.

What do you think about my recipe?

1 - Bag FFOF

1/2- Bag Happy Frog

Happy Frog All Purpose 5-5-5, 2-table spoons per gal

Kelp Meal, 1-table spoon per gal

Dolomite Lime 1-table spoon per gal

Ewc 1/2 cup per gal

if you are needing 25 gal, you'll need four cubic feet of soil, in an unamended soil that would be 9-12 cups of nutrients. BUT your soil is amended, albeit not heavily.
you have roughly 2 cubic feet of soil, so you need double that. Considering your soil is partially amended I wouldn't add more than 8 cups of nutrients, that's NOT including minerals.
I'd ditch the all-purpose and go for a tailored specific nutrient mix.
neem meal, kelp meal, crab meal, alfalfa meal.
I'd add 6-10 cups of minerals as well, gypsum, azomite, rock phosphates, etc.
More perlite, and MUCH more EWC.


Active Member
Well if I have to cook it I might as well make Subs soil?
I just wanted to amend the FF a bit so I don't run into the problems I'm running into now, ca/mg , PH, ect.


Well-Known Member
Well if I have to cook it I might as well make Subs soil?
I just wanted to amend the FF a bit so I don't run into the problems I'm running into now, ca/mg , PH, ect.
I wouldn't do the supersoil.
A lot of people gravitate towards that recipe, but I think it's because it was stickied (perhaps not to the advantage of people looking for a good recipe)
Much, much better recipes out there.
Most of us organic growers don't use that mix.


Active Member
How bout I throw my FF nutes away and feed the str8 FFOF with teas? Will I make it all the way though? :)

I'm on page 17 of the "Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!" thread and more confused than ever. LOL
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Well-Known Member
How bout I throw my FF nutes away and feed the str8 FFOF with teas? Will I make it all the way though? :)

I'm on page 17 of the "Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!" thread and more confused than ever. LOL
Keep big bloom by fox farm if you have it. Besides fish emulsion that's the only bottle left in my grow.

And if you add a bunch of nutrients to your teas it might work out. Idk tho never tried it.


Active Member
My brother will let me make soil at his house, he has a yard.

Can someone point me to some simple Organic soil recipes? Thanks
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Active Member
I looked for a few days and can't find a solid recipe. I've come up with recipe of my own, can you please tell me if I need to omit or add????
Thanks guys

Happy Frog soil

Perlite 1qt per gal

EWC- 1qt - per gal

1 - TBS Per Gal
Kelp Meal 1-0-2 or 6 -.5 - 2.5
Rock Phosphate 0 - 3 - 0
Cotton Seed Meal 5 - 2 - 1
Fish Bone Meal 3- 18 - 0
Alfalfa Meal 2 - 1 - 2


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere once upon a time to avoid cotton seed meal or food crops cuz it can have some leftover pesticide residue so i have since never used it, if your set on starting with ocean forest or happy frog try this: (allthough youd be better off starting with just peat or coco or pro-mix or a bale of sunshine, etc, etc)

anyway, try this

one bag ffof or happy frog

5-10lb EWC
1 cup alfalfa
1 cup crab
1 cup kelp
1/2 cup azomite, or basalt or volcano minerals or whatever
1/4-1/2 cup gypsum or lime or better yet maybe oyster
1/4-1/2 cup fish bone meal
1/4 cup greensand (have been told this can be hard to find in some parts of the country? its everywhere where i am)

then mulch the top of your pots with something (even dead leaves from old plants could do the trick) and throw some extra EWC (like 2 big handfuls) on top every 3-4 weeks or so.
and get some charcoal, biochar, composted charcoal, whatever they are calling it where you are, ive been liking it. I was told add 10% to total soil volume by the wholesaler i got it from, its been workin nice.