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  1. hempin aint easy

    What's Wrong with This?

    not spider mites def a nute burn
  2. hempin aint easy

    Yellowing Fan Leaves from Bottom Up

    my info... -soil/coco -1000hps -temp 65-71degrees -soil a soil b nutes good air flow veg state does great but about three or four weeks into flower im getting yellowing from the bottom up and plants seem to turn a light green color and don't fill all the way out. research is telling me that i...
  3. hempin aint easy

    Help! Plant has yellow discoloration and brown spots

    get better soil..i had the same prob make sure you have perlite in it and get some "roots organic"....great fert. I am on my second grow now and they are doing sooo much better if you have good soil. Remember that they will grow fine with JUST water and basic soil nutes.......what you ad you...
  4. hempin aint easy

    Welcome New Members!

    whats good dank heads! just started with 42 bubbleberry as my first project, just started flowering so here we go!! hope you experienced yoda's will train!!! halllllaaaah
  5. hempin aint easy

    Possible to change soil?

    thank you sir!!
  6. hempin aint easy

    Possible to change soil?

    My soil doesn't have perllite in it and I should have done that plus I found some new better soil......My plants look droopy and I think the soil they are in is wack so is it possible to change them over into new soil without f'ing up my girls? they are about a week or two from flower time and...
  7. hempin aint easy

    Is this heat burn or nute burn or dehydration? Please advise..

    Is it possible to change nearly flowering plants into new soil? and how do you do it??
  8. hempin aint easy

    Over nuted???

    Im having some of the same issues........sixth week of veg and plants yellowing from bottom up and leafs are getting yellow all the way around.......not on the edges or anything the entire leafe is just turning a gold color.........any ideas?
  9. hempin aint easy

    yellowing plant

    I knew it was nitrogen but I didn't want to burn up the girls with too much nutes.........Do you think watering with just clean water and some cal mag would be smart or just go ahead and nut them? I airrated my soil by the scientific method of just prodding the soil so some air can get in and...
  10. hempin aint easy

    Over Fertilization? (using subcool's supersoil)

    castor oil really? i have similar problem i used cal mag plus and it worked
  11. hempin aint easy

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    hey there nice buds!! i have a small querry............I have some vegging plants about 27 inches but are turning all yellow and the leaves are starting to curl down and the plant just overall looks kind of I overwatering or underwatering? deficiency?? HELP!
  12. hempin aint easy

    yellowing plant

    So today I noticed a slight yellowing on the middle of a couple leaves...And some of them are curling under along with the entire plant turning yellow!! any advice oh experienced ones??
  13. hempin aint easy

    Anybody tell me whats wrong??

    good call ill try it! thank you mr c420x2
  14. hempin aint easy

    Anybody tell me whats wrong??

    Plants stopped growing and are turning yellow but i don't want to overwater........Does it look like over watering or underwatering? I know about the n deficiency does cal mag do the job?
  15. hempin aint easy

    I keep burning my leaves from the light do those leaves turn green again?

    your light is good at 20 inches when they are that young...a little light crazy?
  16. hempin aint easy

    yellowing plant

    Hey thanks for your input I Do appreciate it....I use a moister meter but its one of the ones for like 12 doll hairs at the hydro store and it always says my soil is WET. I always read that newbies over water so I am leary of overwatering. Any good remedies for the n deficiency? im gonna...
  17. hempin aint easy

    yellowing plant

    I'm on my second grow, first one was a breeze but now the problems have set in! Im growing soil, using soil a and soil b for nutes and a little cal mag as well and a touch of root accelerator. Ph is about 6.5 and im on 24 hours of light with the plants about two weeks from flowering. Plants...