Over Fertilization? (using subcool's supersoil)

Strain: Strawberry Cough Clone
Soil: Dr. Earth Potting Soil
Vegged for over a month in 3 gallon pot. Moved to a 7 gallon bag 2 weeks before flower.
Flowering Time: 5 1/2 weeks into
Amount of Subcool supersoil used: 1.5 gallons on bottom layer

Other info: had some branches break 3 1/2 weeks into flowering. Tied up the broken branches with zip ties.

Watering: Tap water only

Is this an over fertilization problem or what? If it is please tell me what to do.


It looks like you over did it with fertalizer i would recommend using castor oil it will strip out the fertalizer and bounce your plant back to good health.