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  1. G

    I call female!

    COme on you experts help a brotha out. I know we got some experience up in this bitch! I STILL call could u ask for a better pic??? shits as good as it gets man
  2. G

    I call female!

    looks like calaxys with hairs comin out??? I see small hairs...(pistols).though it is early....
  3. G

    I call female!

    watcha think guys????
  4. G

    Advice needed on Preflowers, TRICKY

    Ok so maybe one of the more experienced can help me figure this out. Best pics I could get of "it" up close. I cant tell hopefully someone can.....
  5. G

    She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F

    Ya, the light level outdoors is very low near the ground its reaching for sun,, which accounts for the stretching i believe. Now nutes, I have been experimenting with....... I have no access to good FF products or anything, But i have nice compost soil with perlite in a 5 GAL, To which i have...
  6. G

    She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F

    so should I top it or leave it the way it is? need some help here
  7. G

    She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F

    Here ya go guys and gals, Lemme know cuz it looks like it might be on its way to healing itself.............
  8. G

    She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F

    Hey man My soil is NOT dry, but its HOT AS A MOFO so im trying to keep the broken top wet (spray bottle/h20) while mending. Im including some new pics, Looks like shes gonna make it...I love how fucking amazing this plant is. I Dont know if i should cut off the drooping leaves at the top , but...
  9. G

    She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F

    well i seem to have run into A problem here! the damn main stem broke, thankfully it was at the very top, but I immediately splinted it and taped her up. She was hanging by the outer skin, BARELY, BUT still holding on, Its been 3 days since this happend, and i have been spraying the top with...
  10. G

    My first ego death...

    So all these people mixing n2o I'm on a bit of methadone evry day And I've been tryin to figure this out now for awhile, does anyone know how safe it is for me to do n2o while on the clinic??? Don't want the shit to make me go out (from the Done!!)
  11. G

    when tripping at home how do you like your atmosphere to be

    Huh I got some "microdots" from some asshole at a show they called en blue microbarrels........ They were about the size and shape of a flint but they sure as hell were NOT a physcedelic....Fukn lot scamers, anyways I think they were like fish food or something... Stupid micrdots
  12. G

    ORAL 4-meo-pcp trip reports

    Ketamine is the BEST dissasociative but I have been hearing some real horror storys of health problems due to K, I'm not one to easily fall for health scares but this one is real severe Kidney problems and bladder problems are popping up in k abusers all over the place. 20 year old kids...
  13. G

    when tripping at home how do you like your atmosphere to be

    LMFAO @ chrono that is sum funny shit I can see that happening you must have been tripping SAC!!
  14. G

    My first ego death...

    Nock?????u were doing n2o? That causes momentary, VERY SHORT "loss of ego" I suppose but try IM ketamine ;)
  15. G

    N2o and methadone ok or a BIG no no???

    Yeah my b anyways the only way ur really gonna die is a event occuring DUE to the withdrawals (I.e. Heart attach. Stroke ,) but withdrawal From OPIATE. Will NOT kill u it mght make u wanna kill urslf but that's a diff story and yeah I AM coming down right now I was just stupid to get to such a...
  16. G

    N2o and methadone ok or a BIG no no???

    Yes thank u for the concerns and at one point I was at 2+ I a coming down to hopefully switch over, but come down to fast and it is NOT FUN!!!god forbid I get locked up ever again, I think I would die In jail. AnywYs no one on this site is on the clinic and done bloons?? Well I don't know this...
  17. G

    N2o and methadone ok or a BIG no no???

    Skiworks- Says another person for the millionth time at the obvoius. that has nuthin to do with what I asked but thanks for your opinion and views on your utterly useless and typical rant about done.......
  18. G

    N2o and methadone ok or a BIG no no???
