She broke on me!!! A lil help please! PICS also need help determinng M/F


Active Member
well i seem to have run into A problem here! the damn main stem broke, thankfully it was at the very top, but I immediately splinted it and taped her up.
She was hanging by the outer skin, BARELY, BUT still holding on, Its been 3 days since this happend, and i have been spraying the top with H20 (foliar feed) yo keep the top alive while she Mends. So heres the good new, The top is still green and nothing is dieing yet, But all the fan leaves completely dropped down. Im going to leave the little stint In place aty least for a week or two, hopefully she recovers....I have been calling it "her" because it aint go no balls and i see hairs......!
Im gonna put up a Pic also of the preflowers and see if some vets can help me out here,
Also take a look at the before and after shots of the hurt little one :(
sorry no before s but anyways check it out let me know, and if your good at determining sex,
please help,
Thaks guys

LAST PIC ...Is it a girl???



Active Member
Hey man My soil is NOT dry, but its HOT AS A MOFO so im trying to keep the broken top wet (spray bottle/h20) while mending. Im including some new pics,
Looks like shes gonna make it...I love how fucking amazing this plant is. I Dont know if i should cut off the drooping leaves at the top , but the top has grown like an inch since she broke!
Also thing i should leave this splint and tape on??? I Probably should just let her heal. Thanks all


Well-Known Member
looks good! when i split my stem super croping, it took about a week for it to heal itself(prolly not as bad a break as yours), i just had it wraped in plastic wrap tho:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You have few issues~
ph and/or
nutrient deficiencies
Even a possible nute burn?
Is this a outdoor or indoor grow with
lights and what dirt you're using?


Well-Known Member
Cut those already dead fan leaf's off. No point of the plant putting any energy forth into fixing those. Except let it concentrate on making new growth.


Active Member
Ya, the light level outdoors is very low near the ground its reaching for sun,, which accounts for the stretching i believe. Now nutes, I have been experimenting with.......
I have no access to good FF products or anything, But i have nice compost soil with perlite in a 5 GAL, To which i have added eggshells and coffee grounds, not quite sure how much to add so im going lightly.
All you MG Haters are not gonna like me when i say yes, I do use MG but not much with a little of Grandmas Ol Mollasses, EVERYTHING grandmas make is good huh?LOL
Can anyone tell me why the leaves look the color they do?they have straight WHITE patches on them, though I will admit after feeding some Nutes the leaves are a better shade.
I cut off the "dead" leaves, which i didnt want to do cuz I have seen this plant come back from serious NDE's ! I thought maybe those leaves would perk back up but NOT ANYMORE :)
Advice? thank you.


Well-Known Member
well i seem to have run into A problem here! the damn main stem broke, thankfully it was at the very top, but I immediately splinted it and taped her up.
She was hanging by the outer skin
, BUT still holding on, Its been 3 days since this happend, and i have been spraying the top with H20 (foliar feed) yo
keep the top alive while she Mends
. So heres the good new, The top is still green and nothing is dieing yet, But all the fan leaves completely dropped down. Im going to leave the little stint In place aty least for a week or two, hopefully she recovers....I have been calling it "her" because it aint go no balls and i see hairs......!
Im gonna put up a Pic also of the preflowers and see if some vets can help me out here,
Also take a look at the before and after shots of the hurt little one :(
sorry no before s but anyways check it out let me know, and if your good at determining sex,
please help,
Thaks guys

LAST PIC ...Is it a girl???
I dont think its gonna mend, cut the dying bit off and let the bottom come up.