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  1. M

    need a good idea please help

    Well my plants are going into flowering a little late and im in for some rain in the next few months waiting for them to finish. Anyone have a good idea to help them get through this so i can get some tasty green stuff or am i at a loss. They are in the ground and nt in pots so taking them...
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    The hydro stroe recommended it but being i havent heard much on it i didnt want to gamble with it. Did you notice a bigger yield then not using it at all? I have had a few friends using nothing but the tiger bloom and i didnt really see anything that made me believe the buds were any bigger then...
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    Im more worried about what it may do to the ph balance in the soil. Right now im maintaining 6-6.5ph in the soil which is all organic and seems to be doing really well for the plant.
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    Would you still use some sort of bloom booster? I was looking into some big bloom possibly.
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    What would you recommend as a bloom booster/ Im looking to get a few different opinions so i can see what people are using and if they are seeing any results.
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    I was looking to possibly get big bud advanced nutrients but havent found out if it just for indoor setups only or can also be used for outdoor. I have been also looking into beestie bloom but have heard mixed reactions about it and the last thing i want to do right now is get the plants over...
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    Outdoor growing suppliments

    Well since all 3 of my plants have finally started to flower i have got it tiger bloom as a fertalizer to help it along. i have been looking into other fertalizers to get more yield out of the 3 plants that i have and have been looking into big bud advanced nutrients but have seen it is for...
  8. M

    Hope im not bothering you asking a question regarding my plants. I saw you posted on the thread...

    Hope im not bothering you asking a question regarding my plants. I saw you posted on the thread i had made regarding starting my plants early and based off what i am seeing my plants growth is doing well but even under direct sunlight and then under a less then good drow light im still seeing...
  9. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    in the next few months its going to get a lot colder its coming up to winter time. Right now i am getting 90+ degree days but that isnt going to last over the next few months im thinking a month possibly a little longer and then the 70 degree days will start to come with a cooler night. So my...
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    Growing plants a little later than most

    They were started from clones approx 3 1/2 weeks ago give or take a few days. So i would say at best 4 weeks old. Im just trying to let them het some size on them before they go into flowering so i get a bigger yield rather than what i may get from smaller plants. Worst possible case it is what...
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    Growing plants a little later than most

    Im in northern california where we are still having 90+ degree dats right now. My only point for even asking the question is i am aware they need anywhere from 60-90 days for flowering and if i go another month or more it will put harvest somewhere in possibly jan. Either way i can bring them in...
  12. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    I dont have a indoor setup other than a florescent grow light i was using to try to snap by lavander out of pre flowering. Not quite enough for all 5 plants. In either case i was just curious if anyone thought i could go for a month or more before they had to go into flowering and still be okay...
  13. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    Anyone else have any different ideas if i should continue to veg or let them go into flowering? If they go into flowering what could i expect off the size of the plants as of right now?
  14. M


    It will be fine you are over reacting. I have gone so far as to have someone trip over my plant breaking the stalk and it was fine i dont think a little skin off the stalk is going to hurt anything. Nice time you want to remove some clippings use something sharp
  15. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    Awesome i was hoping to hear something like that makes me feel a little better starting so late. Do you think that taking them from outdoor to indoor and not letting them get any type of break from light is going to be a benefit to them? Some people tell me that they need a chance to rest and im...
  16. M

    My plant is dying,what is the problem shown here? (PICTURES) +REP for any assistance

    Thats nute burn you should use half the recommended dosage for your plants. I made that mistake and killed a few before i noticed what was going on and was able to bring 2 out of it. Flush your plants with water and stop nutes for a week or two. They may come out of it but judging by your pics...
  17. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    Although it dosent start actually getting cold out here untill late october early novermber i should still be able to bring them inside if it gets too cold. As good as those numbers you said i may get off the plants i dont quite see that happening. The pictures do the plants more justice then i...
  18. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    Thanks for the compliment. As for not leaving them outside right now the only reason im not doing that is they are only a month old and although they are growing really fast, faster then i expected since all of them are bigger then plants that are out in my buddies yard for 3 months already. I...
  19. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    The first picture is the purple lavander, the second picture is the purple diesel and white widdow, the third picture is the mango. Thanks for any help i can get in answering my questions
  20. M

    Growing plants a little later than most

    Well i just started growing plants about a month ago and decided to go with clones since it would be easier than starting from seed. I am growing 5 different strains, purple diesel, which seems to be doing really well and is around 3 feet big already, white widow, which i almost killed and was...