Growing plants a little later than most

Well i just started growing plants about a month ago and decided to go with clones since it would be easier than starting from seed. I am growing 5 different strains, purple diesel, which seems to be doing really well and is around 3 feet big already, white widow, which i almost killed and was down to two lwaves before bouncing back from my screw up to a good looking plant now, purple lavander which is doing okay but is already starting to flower, mango which seems to be doing good although its not growing as fast as the other plants right now, and last but not least salmon creek, which i almost killed and may have been better off since it stunted its growth so bad its not much bigger then when it started. They are outdoor plants but since i didnt want the lavander to bud up already i have them going indoor at the end of the night under a grow light. The purple diesel loves it and grows anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 inch a night not counting what its doing in the day, and the other plants dont seem to dislike the idea of being brought indoors. Heres a few questions i do have,

What can i expect from growing the 4 plants and im saying 4 because i dont think the salmon creek is going to do anything?

Is there a way to accelerate growth in the plant so its not a waste of time, not that it is a waste of time? I have learned something this year that i didnt know, careful with the nutes!!!!!

Only other question i have is has anyone tried any of the strains im quite curious of the purple diesel since im familiar with the sour diesel and its not bad i thought i would try to purple diesel? A friend that has been growing indoor seems awfully interested in the mango and says its a awesome strain.

Oh and since im asking i know growing indoor dosent give you the yield outdoor plants will give you, from what i have heard, that being said if im taking them from outdoor to indoor will that affect the yield of the plants?Image 2.jpgImage.jpgImage 3.jpg
The first picture is the purple lavander, the second picture is the purple diesel and white widdow, the third picture is the mango.
Thanks for any help i can get in answering my questions


Well-Known Member
Those look alot better than i was expecting. Good job. As for the questions i'll answer what i can,
1. how much? thats really hard to say, too many factors and variables to give you more than a very rough guess. the first one i'd guess around a q/p-to a half pound. second one probally 3-5 oz. third plant looks like a few oz give or take an ounce. fourth is the same as 3.
2. no way to accelerate it really. You should probably start leaving your big gals out so they will start flowering, plant just about doubles-triples the size it was when it started flowering.
3. It wont hurt them, it will help, i used to do it but after a while i realized the small difference it made was not worth bringing my big heavy plants in at night to me. For dangerous cold/frost situations its different though and those will make me bring em in, you may have to do it too, just keep them in complete uninterrupted darkness and take back out in the morning.
Never tried that strain, sorry, cant help there.
Thanks for the compliment. As for not leaving them outside right now the only reason im not doing that is they are only a month old and although they are growing really fast, faster then i expected since all of them are bigger then plants that are out in my buddies yard for 3 months already. I was hoping to put some more size on them so i can get a bigger yield off of each plant. I would rather them not quite go into flowering yet only because i live in california and im still seeing 90+ degree days so i havent quite got into cold weather not saying if i wait another month to flower it will be cold at some point because of the time needed to go through the folwering stage. Being the case the diesel already grew that big in 3 and a half weeks i dont suppose another few weeks will hurt anything rather than benefit the plant????
Although it dosent start actually getting cold out here untill late october early novermber i should still be able to bring them inside if it gets too cold. As good as those numbers you said i may get off the plants i dont quite see that happening. The pictures do the plants more justice then i can actually explain. The biggest grower out of the bunch seems to be the purple diesel which comes up right under my waste and im 6'3 so i figure 2 1/2 to 3 feet already. The others are maybe half that size to possibly a little more. I know flowering usually takes approx 60 days give or take some time but do you think i will get a pretty good growth spurt oyt of them if i let them start flowering right now?


Well-Known Member
i think you are underestimating what the plants are gonna do when you decide to start flowering and just how big they will get. I guessed my numbers off of if you flipped to flower right now, if you wait and keep vegging another few weeks or however long you want i'm positive you'll at the least hit the higher ends of my numbers. Dont forget your using the absolute best light/energy source we currenty know of,the sun, which beats the hell out of hps the way hps beats the hell out of cfls. just wait till they explode the first few weeks of flower, you'll see what im talking about.
Awesome i was hoping to hear something like that makes me feel a little better starting so late. Do you think that taking them from outdoor to indoor and not letting them get any type of break from light is going to be a benefit to them? Some people tell me that they need a chance to rest and im trying to keep the lavander on a 24 to try to break it out of its flowering right now so it can put on some additional size. I may let them veg for a few more weeks and then get them into the flowering stage sounds like a better idea to me or may start the flowering with temps start to get a little cooler still having 90+ degree days out here right now.
Anyone else have any different ideas if i should continue to veg or let them go into flowering? If they go into flowering what could i expect off the size of the plants as of right now?


Well-Known Member
Honestly if they are are growing outdoor, and i dont feel like i'm going out on a limb to believe youre in the northern heemisphere, i'd prob just keep most of a the pants going until harvest. maybe 2/3. if you plan on transfering to indoor take clones of the plants you already have outside. that simple. read up on clones and get it done son. apologies if youve already heard this info, i didnt read replies only original post. peace dude.


Well-Known Member
dont expect much any more than a oz per plant. and thats generous, personally as rule of thumb i dont estimate my yields ever.
I dont have a indoor setup other than a florescent grow light i was using to try to snap by lavander out of pre flowering. Not quite enough for all 5 plants. In either case i was just curious if anyone thought i could go for a month or more before they had to go into flowering and still be okay and get a good yield


Well-Known Member
whats the approx date they were first seedlings? oh at first i though u were contemplating bringing them inddors to finish out their life cycle. here's a very important ?.. what degree latitude are you at. it has a big deal into how far your light cycle is. they look healthy enough by the photos to make it another approx 8 weeks to harvest. they can survive a few frosts. i got fatih in you dude. will those buds to live haha
Im in northern california where we are still having 90+ degree dats right now. My only point for even asking the question is i am aware they need anywhere from 60-90 days for flowering and if i go another month or more it will put harvest somewhere in possibly jan. Either way i can bring them in if it gets too cold for them but how do i go about trying to keep them from going to the flowering stage? I have them on 24 hour light cycles right now. All day in the direct sunlight then soon as its dark under the florescent
They were started from clones approx 3 1/2 weeks ago give or take a few days. So i would say at best 4 weeks old. Im just trying to let them het some size on them before they go into flowering so i get a bigger yield rather than what i may get from smaller plants. Worst possible case it is what it is


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to clarify something, my numbers were based on you being able to let them fully finish flowering outside(well, using the sun outside as a lighting source, im sure you'll have to start bringing them in at night due to cooler temps eventually) let me ask you this, what exactly are your temps going to be like the next 3-4 months, well, i guess i should say what do you expect them to be like?, you said you were not worried really so i assumed you'd be able to finish outside while just having to bring them in at night. I still think you'll get around the amount i said before, but if you have to only use that little crappy flouro only for the last few weeks cuz its too cold outside its gonna be the lower end of the estimates, maybe less. If their is any chance of that happening i would flip to flower asap on the big ones, they being able to get as much time under the sun while flowering is crucial and the days will start getting longer in a while too, so if they are still flowering then and you can keep them outside still at that point you will have to start bringing them in while its still light out so they dont go and revert back to veg or have flowering inhibited by the light cycle starting to get longer.
in the next few months its going to get a lot colder its coming up to winter time. Right now i am getting 90+ degree days but that isnt going to last over the next few months im thinking a month possibly a little longer and then the 70 degree days will start to come with a cooler night. So my thought was to keep them going for a few weeks possibly a month at the longest and then go to the flowering stage and if it gets too cold then i will have to bring them inside which will more than likely lower my yield


Well-Known Member
Let 'em grow, just make mental notes so that you can improve the grow next year. Advice is nice but it can't replace experience.