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  1. kushbluntz420

    WHY is this happening???

    How can i fix revegging? I ran 12/12 the whole time but i realised my timer messed up when the power went out and for some reason it was on 24/0 for the past weeks. What should i do? Most of the pistils on the buds are amber color the only ones that are still white are on the new leaves that...
  2. kushbluntz420

    WHY is this happening???

    I noticed this within the past week a set of leaves has grown out of the top cola and bottom colas, why is it doing this? Is it good or bad? <------This is what it looked like 2 weeks ago These are how it looks now and all the pistils are amber color on the orginal cola, so idk if i should...
  3. kushbluntz420

    Leaves growing out of the top cola. Is that bad?

    <---This is what the plant looked like a couple weeks ago and now its grown some weird leaves out of some of the colas shown in the first 4 pictures and the plant has been going for 4 months now it should be harvestable within a week or so or should i just do it now?
  4. kushbluntz420

    First grow, Hoping to harvest soon

    Not sure when i can harvest some of the pistils are turning amber color but not too sure how much longer it will be.... Any ideas?
  5. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    Yeah its a mini plant lol not sure if it was a autoflower or what but i did leave it in a party cup for a while so that could of stunted the growth also but i was running 12/12 but i switched to 24/0 just yesterday to speed up the process and more of the trichome heads are turning an amber color...
  6. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    ohh yeah im deff not using MG again it was a bad experince
  7. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    I didnt even use any nutrients so i dont think i can flush it, The soil im using is mircle grow potting mix it feeds plants for up to 6 months. I will not use this soil again it sucks my plant got nute burn on mostly all of the leaves and there was nothing i could do to control it
  8. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    Thanks man that helped alot
  9. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    I wasnt aware i had to flush it for the final weeks, What do you mean by that exactly?
  10. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    Im going to wait till they turn ember color to harvest it.
  11. kushbluntz420

    Tiny white crawlers in my soil??!!??!!

    I just noticed this same little white bugs your talking about in my soil when i checked my plant tonight they are too tiny to see in a picture and my leaves are also yellow at the tips from the bottom leaves beiing worse to the tops leaves just being the edges im not sure if its from the bugs or...
  12. kushbluntz420

    Not sure when to harvest help me out

    How do i know when my plant is ready to be harvested here is a pic. shes been going for 65 days now
  13. kushbluntz420

    First Grow check it out

    Im thinking its going to be a bit longer then 5 weeks she looks a little small still and i added the flowering bulbs in about 8 to 10 days now well i got 2 2700k and 2 6500k CFL bulbs in there
  14. kushbluntz420

    First Grow check it out

    Its just this metal bucket i had i drilled a hole in the bottom of it and it worked
  15. kushbluntz420

    First Grow check it out

    Hey so i just checked on my baby ella and shes cleaning up quite well i switched her into a bigger pot and lessened down on the watering and she looks great! She is on day 38 starting to give a...
  16. kushbluntz420

    Need HELP! Yellowing Edges And Cracks In The Leaves

    Yeah im growing inside a pc case so idk if i can really go with a bigger pot but i havent used any nutes but my problem might be im using mircle grow potting soil and it auto feeds for up to 6 months and i let the soil dry out a couple times on accident so im wondering if thats why it released...
  17. kushbluntz420

    Need HELP! Yellowing Edges And Cracks In The Leaves

    Can anybody tell me what is causing this? Top part dont look all that bad Yellowing on leaves and a crack in the leaf
  18. kushbluntz420

    Yellowing tips on leaves need some help!

    This is day 31. Im not sure what the problem is here the very bottom 2 leaves look like their dying you cant see them in the picture but i dont know whats causing the yellow outline on the leaves. I havent used any nutes ive been watering daily only so the soil is damp and so a little leaks out...
  19. kushbluntz420

    FIRST GROW! Got some questions about lights

    Those are not auto flowers i just have them inside a pc case and i started them 12/12 from seed to keep them small
  20. kushbluntz420

    FIRST GROW! Got some questions about lights

    Hey guys my plants are about 30 days in. I started them 12/12 from seed using 4 26w 6500k CFL bulbs and i have 4 26w 2700k CFL bulbs for flowering i was wondering if i should put those in now. This ones a guy ^ This is my...