Need HELP! Yellowing Edges And Cracks In The Leaves

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Definately a little nute burn going on. I'm not certain that's your only problem, though. She needs to be transplanted out of the cup into a bigger container. Start with a transplant and give her some pure water for the transplant watering and the next watering.

Transplanting can cause problems when attempted during flowering. Plants should already be in a pot big enough to finish flowering in before flowering begins. When you move her, be very gentle.
I have one plant that is approximately 12-15 days old and the edges of leaves are starting to curl. soil is organic grow miracle grow and lights are just sum is my first time and jus sorta playing trying to iron out any kinks before getting more into. I am attaching pics as well to see if this is normal or if anyone can help! thanks!photo(2).jpgphoto.jpg
Definately a little nute burn going on. I'm not certain that's your only problem, though. She needs to be transplanted out of the cup into a bigger container. Start with a transplant and give her some pure water for the transplant watering and the next watering.

Transplanting can cause problems when attempted during flowering. Plants should already be in a pot big enough to finish flowering in before flowering begins. When you move her, be very gentle.
Yeah im growing inside a pc case so idk if i can really go with a bigger pot but i havent used any nutes but my problem might be im using mircle grow potting soil and it auto feeds for up to 6 months and i let the soil dry out a couple times on accident so im wondering if thats why it released too many nutes. idk if when it dried out and got water'ed again it released nutes again.