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  1. L

    1st Timer giving it a try with pics!! come take a look...

    wow...looks really good.
  2. L

    Thoughts on how i'm doing.

    Thanks. Yeah we (me & my wife) named it Marty before we knew the sex. Leafminer was because...we had Leafminers at about 3 weeks of growth from being outside on a deck. They have long since passed. Martina will be her new name. I am going to redo my whole little grow area after Martina. I am...
  3. L

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    i did my transplant about 5 days in flowering. i hope I didn't kill it.
  4. L

    Thoughts on how i'm doing.

    I know the tin foil sucks but I haven't found any polywrap wrapping paper and I really thought this thing would be dead by now. I'm working on it.
  5. L

    Thoughts on how i'm doing.

    This is my first plant (just one...his name is Marty Leafminer). Anyway I was looking for some feedback on how I'm doing. Maybe someone see's something that I'm not familiar with. It is 8 weeks old and I started the flowering stage about 5 days ago (12/12). All of my so called "know how" has...
  6. L

    Some advice and info

    This is my first time growing and I have a couple quick questions. My plant is 4 weeks old. It was started outdoors and now it just sits on a window sill. I have no grow lights or anything at this point. When I had it outside at about 2 weeks I noticed some creepy thing on the leaves and after...