Thoughts on how i'm doing.


This is my first plant (just one...his name is Marty Leafminer). Anyway I was looking for some feedback on how I'm doing. Maybe someone see's something that I'm not familiar with.

It is 8 weeks old and I started the flowering stage about 5 days ago (12/12). All of my so called "know how" has been from reading these boards and a few other sites. I just transplanted as of a day ago before it got to far into the flowering stage. I believe I was starting to see the effects of rootbound. When I transplanted it the roots were wrapped around the bottom pretty good so I think I caught it in time. My only issue since I am a super newbie is that I in some way damaged the plant by doing that. Obviously I won't know for a little bit but I'm not sure if I should just throw it back into the 12/12 schedule.

Again any advice, thoughts, whatever, is greatly appreciated. I am amazed it has grown to the size it has already. I kill tomatoes plants like its my job so to get Marty going like this blows my mind.

If your wondering I have it under a 150w Sun systems HID light. At this point its about 18" away.

P.S. I would love to comment in a lot of these threads but I obviously have no real knowledge to offer until I either kill or harvest my good friend.



I know the tin foil sucks but I haven't found any polywrap wrapping paper and I really thought this thing would be dead by now. I'm working on it.


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet might want to get mylar it's 98% reflective. Tin foil is not reflective at all it would be better to paint them white. You shouldn't trim your leaves they will be needed for the last two weeks of growth. That's really a lot of light for 1 plant, so get that mylar your probably losing out on that light. Be patient bud takes time to grow! BTW what nutrients are you using?


Active Member
Start by changing the name. It's a female plant so SHE should be named appropriately. The leafminer thing too, because that is a common pest you DON'T want to know.

She seems healthy. Next time transplant before flowering to prevent shock and loss of yield.

Make sure you have 100% darkness when the lights are off, that can be a big problem.

Styrafoam reflects better than foil, and it's cheap and available.

Keep it green.


Thanks. Yeah we (me & my wife) named it Marty before we knew the sex. Leafminer was because...we had Leafminers at about 3 weeks of growth from being outside on a deck. They have long since passed. Martina will be her new name. I am going to redo my whole little grow area after Martina. I am going to paint it flat white but obviously I don't want to do it right now. The styrofoam is a great idea as well. As far as nutrients go I just stated using a blooming fertilizer. Bloom Booster 11-35-15.

@ sub.
1. What makes you think I trim my leaves by the way? I have not done that. I trimmed a few small ones from the bottom that were attacked by the leafminers but that is about it. Is there something you are seeing I should be aware of?
2. Is the light being "to much" a bad thing? I thought since I had roughly a 3' x 3' space it would be a good size. i have about 8ft of headroom.

@ mit
Yeah I would have transplanted earlier but I didn't know too. I found that she was stretching toward the light, using a lot of water and wilting some. it seemed to me the symptoms matched. That is the info I gathered from different places on the net. As far as darkness. Its pitch black. really. super dark. That is probably my best thing going.