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  1. G

    Prune? or not?

    hello, growers. I have heard from good growers on both sides that cutting the fan leaves in flowering is advised. I am trying both. Dose anyone have experience in this topic? lighting, air flow?:joint:
  2. G

    White spots on leaves? windburn?

    can i see a pic? and prob not windburn.
  3. G

    HELP!!! please

    cut it down cook with it, go on line for recipe. search "cooking with cannabis". as a grower we NEVER want males growing, the pollen can destroy someone else's crop bro. the seeds can be grown with a small chance of hermie. when you fined a mail flower from now on cut the plant asap! is my advice:)
  4. G

    Making My Own Soil Mix

    idk every thing is in my soil. im in my first year and dont know a lot about furts, i dont use them. organic or not you should watch your soil ph very close, every week. think on this every time you add ph up\down in your furts you put it in the soil and dose not wash away the ph in soil gets...
  5. G

    Making My Own Soil Mix

    Hello, i am on my 3th or 4th soil mix of my own. it is very hard to get the soil HOT and balanced. if you can try to mix your own soil grow one plant in the soil. you must keep track of the PH of the soil. plants health from start to finish. then you can add stuff like green sand, bone meal...
  6. G

    Mold Questions

    Does anyone grow in Oregon in a non-climate controlled (not including an exhaust fan) covered greenhouse environment past when everybody else is getting mold and still been able to let the plants mature longer and not having signs of mold????
  7. G

    fan leaf pruning.

    Soo i would like if the growers that have experience pulling fan leavs off during last part of flowering post there outcome. pros and cons. I think most people know the job of a fan leaf is to tun light to food, so only experiences not opinions or book stuff... and please dont dis on some ones...
  8. G

    small buds! please help!!

    yes! molasses! but for you all that dont know..... get it at a feed store. .... like 10$ 4gal is what i paid and its still food grade!
  9. G

    small buds! please help!!

    this is some of my garden thanks 4 all your replies.
  10. G

    small buds! please help!!

    light? about 6 hrs. unless its cloudy. the thing is i have some VERRY large plants in the ground . Plants range from 3 ft x 4ft wide to 9x9 . the pics are the top of one 4.5 tall about the same wide so i was thinking about some bat guano in the soil dose anyone know how long the stuff work. and...
  11. G

    small buds! please help!!

    the hears im talking about is straight out the top. when i see hairs from the new growth top bud i call that??? aug 10th
  12. G

    small buds! please help!!

    this is the 5th week after she first put on hair(aug 10th). she has not gotten any bigger in about 4 of those weeks. i don't have money to by furts. i have flowered indoor and you can see flower growth every day. 3 weeks and no growth??
  13. G

    small buds! please help!!

    I am a first year cannabis grower. however i grew an organic veggie garden for about 5 years. I know all the basics. so all my plants look healthy but the ones Im worried about have been in flower now for about 3-4 weeks and is still very small buds, nothing is bigger than a dime. Flowering...