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    Is Blue the new Green?

    The British Tories are running around like headless chickens trying to jump on any policy bandwagon that'll attract the populist vote - and that includes the many Green issues. But we all know they ll "promise you the Earth", but deliver next to nothing that will be properly Green because...
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    when should i start flowering??

    Start them indoors in around febuary and bring them outside early to mid may to ensure they dont get hit by very late fros. if you live way up north you might want to wait until early june before taking the plants outside. flowers usually look better when bought from the nursury as...
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    early sampling - stress? shock?

    It's supposed to be collected early because the urine sample won't have any extra substances in it or extra volume. eating and drinking can cause alterations in urine volume and content which would make diagnosis of ailments much harder and inaccurate.
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    Ultimate odor control

    Degree is the best IMO....sometimes it is the fabric you are wearing that makes you feel more wet though. Stick with cotton whenever possible.
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    official party cup growoff

    why does it even matter for the colour to be red ? red or not, still beer pong ! and to answer your question. idk ! try colouring it red.