Ultimate odor control


Well-Known Member
My grow has been quite an experience in trials and errors. The biggest problem by far has been the very strong odors produced by my White Widows. Them girls are very smelly. I've been running an ionizer and two smaller carbon filters, using ona, dryer sheets, and a whole lot of air freshener. Even then I'd leave for the day at times and come back to find my house sitting in an illegal cloud of white widow odors.

I got tired of beating around the bush about it. I'm not exactly a cheap person, but I've been known to save a dollar when I can. So I went to the hydroponic store and laid down the money for a huge carbon filter and all the necessary equipment, very close to 700 dollars for the lot of it. I've pretty much made friends with the dude who runs the store, so he takes the stuff and puts it back on the shelf and hands me an ozone generator that was less than 1/4 the cost, an OZN-1 gadget that's good for 5500 cubic feet.

My advice to new growers is to not beat around the bush when it comes to odor control, but to go straight for ozone generators. Ozone is a very beneficial gas as far as the earth is concerned, but it's not good for you to breath, so careful venting is a must. Not only that, it's so effective that you would not want to use it full time so it's best to have it hooked to a timer to run a few minutes per hour.

Happy growing.


Degree is the best IMO....sometimes it is the fabric you are wearing that makes you feel more wet though. Stick with cotton whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
Degree is the best IMO....sometimes it is the fabric you are wearing that makes you feel more wet though. Stick with cotton whenever possible.
Was that a lame attempt at humor or was you just being an Ass?

If you're talking about underarms, I use baking soda paste. Just use a heaping tablespoon and add enough water to make a paste. Apply it to the underarms and let it dry. Shower as usual and it will be 3 to 5 days before you need to do it again. It's an Italian idea and they make some really nifty cars too.