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  1. S

    Master Kush Anyone?

    one of my favorite strains gr8 taste beautiful smell and the budss jusst fantastico. if you are growing it i must saay send soome too me!!!
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    Just started flowering. what do i do?

    Norwalk,CT i havvent founnd another CT grower on here i diddnt eve no we had anyy...annd pls kill your malles if you have any
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    Just started flowering. what do i do?

    haha i too am growing in the Connecticut region. my first tiime and they are comming along beautifully all 7 are females...since the weathers changing try to keep an eye out on your pistils caause one on my nodes are turning purple
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    One Purrple bud and the rest arer Green? WTF?!

    :confused:ook soo all of my plants arre greeen but only the 2nd tallest one has one clump of hairs thatss forming purple hairs why is this? and is it good or badd?
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    Wheennn does the flowering ennnd?!

    i waant thee str8 upp boody high! how darrk mustt theyy get? all turn amber wer the population is 1/3 white and 2/3 amber?
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    Wheennn does the flowering ennnd?!

    my regs plants have been growing since May 20th and theiir starting to bud.Does anyone no when i shuld pick them any specific dates? Sept 25? Oct 1?:peace:
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    doees it really work?

    hooow cann you tell how a Regs plant looks liike compared to the Sour? i got regs plants and 4 are 3 feet tall the others are at least a foot how mucch would they produce dryed not wett
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    doees it really work?

    welll my plants aree starting to budd this is my first year doing it i had 7 bags seeds and planted them put the Ash into 2 of the 5 and got this lemony stinking plants
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    doees it really work?

    :joint:ive been hearing a rumor that if yooou put bowl ash into your plants soil it will automatically grow Sour D buds...soo i did it to 2 of my regs plants and theey are the healthiest out of the other 5. So does it reallly turn into Sour D or just a myth?
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    I Need Serious Help -_-

    I Need Serious Help -_-