Just started flowering. what do i do?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i live in Connecticut in the northeast, and i got started late. my plant is about 5 and a half weeks old, and about 28 or so inches tall. I have it outside and it is growing great! so finally 2 days ago i went and checked it and to my surprise...ITS A GIRL!! thank god. So i see some of the flowers in the nodes with the two pistil/ hairs sticking out, so i know its starting to flower. Now what should i do? I hear about flushing and adding molasses with water for the beneficial soil bacteria. But what do i do to make sure my girl produces to the best of her ability, please help a first time grower out. and also im doing an organic grow. no ferts. thank you everyone!


haha i too am growing in the Connecticut region. my first tiime and they are comming along beautifully all 7 are females...since the weathers changing try to keep an eye out on your pistils caause one on my nodes are turning purple


Well-Known Member
great! another CT grower! what part of CT are you from (not to get off topic haha)


Norwalk,CT i havvent founnd another CT grower on here i diddnt eve no we had anyy...annd pls kill your malles if you have any


Active Member
If your doing an organic grow, not adding any nutes, there is no need to to flush just water when needed.