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  1. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    natural plant honey- not extracted

    nope. never. the only thing i have ever sprayed this plant with is water and a natural spider mite killer that i made from scratch. and that has soap and peppers and garlic. nothing like the taste of this stuff. it tasted like a sweet honey. i cant find a single thing on the web about this...
  2. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    natural plant honey- not extracted

    i need to know if anyone has come across a weed plant that creates honey like sap. last night while trimming a clone of a plant i consider to be of lower quality because of its airy bud and dull sweet smell i found small droplets, few and far in between, of a clear-amber colored honey like sap...
  3. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    solid post but you forgot a couple not so minor details. #1. temperature. it doesn't matter how long you cure and release moisture if the room temperature is wrong. 50-70 degrees F is necessairy. why? glad you asked. if its too cold then the buds wont release moisture and molding will take...
  4. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    please help. possible nutrient problem, dont know for sure

    i could be wrong about the 2 gal containers. i looked at them and compared them to a 5g bucket and they look like 3 gallon containers. i will try cutting the nutrient amounts down and see how that goes. thanks
  5. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    please help. possible nutrient problem, dont know for sure

    temps flux between 68 at night and on a sunny day 85. i feed what the bottle recommends, no percentages. 1k hps and my ph is right around 6. i just flushed like 2 or 3 waterings ago and the plants seemed to do a lot better when i did. i will give that another try, except i will flush a whole 5g...
  6. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    please help. possible nutrient problem, dont know for sure

    well when i say recommended amount i mean that i use proper measurements of solution in my waterings. specifically i use the foxfarm watering chart and i water probably once every 3 or 4 days. every time i water them i water thoroughly so all the soil is wet and water is coming out of the...
  7. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    please help. possible nutrient problem, dont know for sure

    i did some research and im thinking that i have a phosphorus deficiency problem. im using recommended amounts of nutrients. unfortunately i have fox farm, i heard that it sucks but i have not completed my first grow and i cant give an appropriate opinion on it yet. anyways here's some basic...
  8. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    1 of 5 plants acting out ! whats this bitches problem ?

    i had the same problem as well except i have a plant that's a week or two younger than the other three. only the large three have a big issue with rust spots and leafs yellowing and dieing. i got these plants as starts as a friend and i think it may be some sort of disease but it could also be...
  9. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    600w Purple Kush x Trainwreck SCROG -Flower Starting

    cool setup. im really interested in that net you set up on top of your plants, would you mind telling me the specifics of how that effects growth?
  10. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    understanding your lamps

    i actually picked a light based upon its high lumens (which was a mistake) but i got lucky and it also says that my light provides 22% more micromoles than other lights. (btw the light is the philips agrolight xt) what this means is that the photons that the plants use most efficiently are more...
  11. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    red spiders mites what else can i do

    tell me if im wrong but i heard that soapy water will get rid of spider mites. i used it not too long ago and so far it seems to have worked. i used some dish soap btw not hand soap.
  12. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    understanding your lamps

    I briefly looked up tl and dr bulbs and all i came up with was lights for a car. if this is where you are getting your understanding of lights then i think you are looking in the wrong places. read the information in the link and you will have a better understanding of what you should be looking...
  13. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    is this nute burn?

    i have four plants right now, im using fox farm for now. this just started like 2 days ago. originally i thought it was getting burnt because i lowered the light but now i think its nute burn because its only happening in my youngest plant and its mostly happening on new growth. ph. about 6.5...
  14. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    understanding your lamps

    hola! I wanted to post some information i recently came across that really goes in depth in understanding MH/HPS lamps and essentially all other lights. I have been researching this for some time now to no avail, until just a little bit ago. originally i was discussing lumens and how it affected...
  15. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    need some help on my clones please

    also in addition to poking a hole next time i think i will zip tie the tops of the plugs to tighten up the top of the hole
  16. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    need some help on my clones please

    ok so i have come to a couple of conclusions about my first three sets of clones. 1) the time it took to scrape off the skin at the base of the stem could have taken too long and created an embolism. < possible solution is to do both under water> or 2) i cut too high up the stem causing an...
  17. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    need some help on my clones please

    im going to the store tomorrow to get cfl's. about the nice and tight tent tho. im afraid that since i saw what could have been mold if i keep it completely sealed the mold will only have an even better environment to breed in. hence the reason why i put them in more light and why i have the...
  18. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    need some help on my clones please

    ok. so i had another post that was a little more broad so this time im gonna be more specific. i pulled some clones from four different plants and this is my first time cloning, i need some help. i will explain in detail what i did and how i did it to help you help me, if you would be so...
  19. Fa Fa Pho Twuny

    could use some consructive criticism on my setup and plants

    hi there. im new to roll it up. i just took some pix of my plants so they are going to be posted with this. please take a look and tell me what you think. i have a 9'x6' room for blooming. its doing veg right now because i don't have the veg spot set up yet. im running a 1000w hps lamp- supposed...