red spiders mites what else can i do


Active Member
made a huge mistake. i had an outdoor plant that started budding. i had to put it outdoors because under law im only allowed 12 indoors. so i brought it in the woods off my property. so i gave a plant in my indoor grow tent to my friend i owed one leaving me with 11. i put the outdoor plant inside so i have 12 again. big mistake. fucker had red spider mites. they started spreading to my other plants but not real bad. the outdoor one is back outdoors. i cut off a lot of leaves that had eggs and mites towards the bottom of the plant. the 11 plants i got now indoors were not real bad but i cut a lot of leaves off that i seen either eggs or mites on. i went to walmart and paid $6 for a bottle of this safe something spray. its a 3 in 1 insecticide, fungicide, and miticide. its active ingredient is neem oil which i used to use years ago for outdoor grows but my friend had bulk and would mix it for me so it was free. i brought each plant individually in the tub and sprayed the fuck out of them. i used the entire bottle plus i put water inside to use the residue after cause it still smelled real strong. will my girls be ok? after spraying i looked under a lot of leaves and didnt see anymore movement from mites so i think i killed them but im worried about when the eggs hatch if it didnt kill them. the spray says it kills insect eggs but im not sure if they also mean mite eggs since they're arachnids. im thinking in maybe a few days i'll use another bottle on my crop. them maybe a 3rd bottle in a week or so just to make sure. i justed started flowering a couple days ago and i want to eliminate every single egg and mite before i see buds. is there anything else i can do? i have money to spend and should have enough spare time to take care of them. am i going overboard with the spray? should i also spray again maybe 2 weeks or so after to make sure? if some gets on the buds early during flowering i dont think it should be too much of a concern. i can always spray them down with water after to try and dilute the neem. thanks!


Active Member
You did the right thing, just keep an eye on the leaves because they can get burned pretty bad with some stuff. Reapply after 7-10 days twice and that should kill all the eggs. All in all it sounds like you have it all under control.


Active Member
cool thanks. i will rep you as soon as i can. cause currently "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later."
tell me if im wrong but i heard that soapy water will get rid of spider mites. i used it not too long ago and so far it seems to have worked. i used some dish soap btw not hand soap.


Active Member
tell me if im wrong but i heard that soapy water will get rid of spider mites. i used it not too long ago and so far it seems to have worked. i used some dish soap btw not hand soap.
havent tried it myself but i think your right. i know a little dish soap mixed with water kills those small red sugar ants instantly. the suds suffocate them or something like that. i heard it works on bees/wasps also but i use raid for them or a shoe. not sure if soap would kill mite eggs tho. but either way i dont plan on just using it once. im gonna use until i seen none of them cocksuckers. i love genocide!

btw. everyone learn from my mistake. i thought my sweet tooth clones from outdoors was clean of mites. im really kicking myself for creating all this extra work. it's not even the mites that bothers me as much as the fact that i should have known better and fully inspected the plant, especially for how experienced i am. i mean im no pro or super expert but i do have about 10 years of on/off experience. it's just kind of embarrassing being a caretaker but i guess most ppl i know that either grow illegaly or are caretakers some of them growing 20+ years still dont know wtf there doing indoors. im just kind of a perfectionist. i like to try and be up and personal with each individual plant. i want my patient to be smoking some of the best. and LA Confidential is some extremely potent shit. i blew everyone out of the water after my first harvest.