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  1. budscot

    Change of Cannabis Law in the uk 27th of february!!!

    good step at a time now lets get the generation thats in power out and my babies will be much happyer lol
  2. budscot

    Week 6 Flowering Grapefruit

    looking dank man good job
  3. budscot

    Q's for Geurilla growers HELP

    yo man i grow indoors but surely it whould be easyer to keep water on site above or below ground ? if not put a water bed in your car/truck lots water :-o
  4. budscot

    Is working out and getting in shape worth it?

    There is a big difference in fasting and then starvin your self on one of hundreds of diets that are out there.I feel that there are better ways of loseing unwanted weight.Form watching a family member crash dieting for as long as i can remeber i cant see any benafit from this,Fasting is rarely...
  5. budscot

    Is working out and getting in shape worth it?

    GO FOR IT MAN.ive been mad about downhill bikeing and just riding when ever its posable for over 10 years.get a bike man and take it easy you will feel alot better for it dude.i dont beleve starvin your self is healthy and going to a gym is mundane theres a lot of world too see and you can get...
  6. budscot

    HELP problem with my babys leaves yellow and shriveling up

    all good it all my falt watering 2 days in a roe what a nugget (bad dad ha)
  7. budscot

    HELP problem with my babys leaves yellow and shriveling up

    these are the worst ones.They are 3 weeks into veg,are in coco they have only had 1 fed with nutes canna A+B and rizo,cannazime low EC 0.4 and that was 2 waterings ago so i dont think its nute burn? teps are good,they are under 1 200w clf and 1 250w cfl(450w) just now and at 47% humidity.any...
  8. budscot

    What Strain am i growing ? PLEASE HELP !!

    call it something mad like og hash kush #100 :mrgreen:
  9. budscot

    lst training questions

    yo guys what hight or age is best to start lsting seedlings.?iv not tryed lst yet.i supose the more nodes the better before tying back not sure tho:eyesmoke:
  10. budscot

    What Strain am i growing ? PLEASE HELP !!

    thats defo a plant wats it smell like ?
  11. budscot

    The UK Growers Thread!

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boy
  12. budscot

    flip this weekend or wait till next ?????

    i would leave them till next week dude.get a few more nodes growing if you think you have the space.looking tho man
  13. budscot

    Average age of RIU members?

    iam 24 kid
  14. budscot

    First day of flowering, how much bigger will they get?

    at the very least all reg and femd plants get 2/3 times bigger when on 12/12,more time to grow in the dark :)
  15. budscot

    Hight times cannabis cup 2010 in amsterdam is just around the corner cant wait

    Hight times cannabis cup 2010 in amsterdam is just around the corner cant wait