First day of flowering, how much bigger will they get?


Active Member
So i have just put my Jack Herers into flower and was wondering how much growth should i expect, height wise? not theb est picture of them I know but could anyone give a rough judgement? Ano some will stretch more than otehrs more likely the two on the left because they have more Sativa in them judging by the way they have grown andf the leaves they have, unless I mixed seeds up at the start with some others I had but I am sure I didnt.

2012-07-04 17.50.33.jpg

Also check the link in my sig if you want more pictures to take judgement :)


Active Member
pretty soon after making the switch you'll notice it grows pretty quick. hight wise? hard to say but would say you should expect double at the very least. only going by my 1st grow and dont have a scoobie about sativa im affraid. i know it's not quite the answer your looking for but it's an idea i supose. hopefully someone else give you a better idea. looking nice by the way.


Active Member
pretty soon after making the switch you'll notice it grows pretty quick. hight wise? hard to say but would say you should expect double at the very least. only going by my 1st grow and dont have a scoobie about sativa im affraid. i know it's not quite the answer your looking for but it's an idea i supose. hopefully someone else give you a better idea. looking nice by the way.
Nar thats exactly what I was looking for all plants are different, so no one could know exactly how they going to grow just fancied a rough estimate. Sativa usually have longer flowering times and grow taller, which would be awkward because it means the they all going to finish at separate times depending with of their parents they are taking after. I shall persivere though lol

Can grow 2 to 3 time longer during the stretch period.
Fuck... I have grown my babies to big havent I lol I would say they can all double in size but any more and they will be getting frazzled, av been nipping the shit outta the tops of them all throughout veg though so am hoping they wont dart straight up and like each cola ends up stretching to a nice length.


Active Member
they'll also grow out width wise so it looks like it's going to get pretty cramp in there. here's a couple of photo's of my last one that ended up being a male. the photo's were taken 4 days appart.

2012-06-23 08.23.15.jpg2012-06-27 20.10.41.jpg


at the very least all reg and femd plants get 2/3 times bigger when on 12/12,more time to grow in the dark :)


Active Member
A see, because they are getting extremely bushy lol I dont think they are going to go upways haha cannit wait for them to start to show buds they smelling sweet as fuck already lol


Active Member
Sativa's generally grow much taller than indica's, but poor light so the plant stretches for it will make it worse. I'm more of an Indica man myself, in fact only Sativa's I deal with are hybrids. Right now my OG Kush and Big Bang 2's are about 1/3 into flowering and are a helluva lot more bushy than I was expecting ... height wise they're about 1.5 foot so far (not including the pot height), I'm expecting them to be no more than 3' max, but being so bushy they're wide, taking up more floorspace. Pure sativa's can be a pain in the ass if you're limited on space, at least imo.


Active Member
Yeah thats the problem i have with my grow room, i need small bushy plants really can't just go and grow w.e a fancy :( although it wont stop me from tryign though lol


Active Member
Yeah thats the problem i have with my grow room, i need small bushy plants really can't just go and grow w.e a fancy :( although it wont stop me from trying though lol


Active Member
I've the same restrictions, space is a premium, especially when coupled with the need to keep it stealthy :(

My current two main ladies OG Kush and Big Bang 2 (NL x Jack Herer) are super bushy, and thankfully nice and short stanced, lots of nodes and very small distance between them. Working out perfect so far :))


These are 25 days into flowering cycle, so just under half way (expecting 8-9 weeks of flowering).

Edit: Should point out I grow with multiple CFL's, the brightest on top and supplementary side lighting, seems to work well avoiding unnecessary vertical stretch.


Active Member
Looking extremely nice for a CFL grow i must admit :) didnt think you could get them looking that healthy in flower of CFL's what yield are you expecting from them? I know i favour CFL's for veg because they grow them nicely but I wouldnt of thought they would produce enough bud to make them worthwhile for flower


Active Member

I know the concerns with CFL's, I think the secret to using CFL's is using bulbs of sufficient strength and multiple of ... various points of light so to speak. I have no idea on yield, well I have hopes (lol), but I stopped torturing myself wondering a while back, I will write a full report when the buds start forming and the harvest etc to add info to the pool. Right now I have around 1000w equivilent incandescent of light (about half that in energy demand), covering about 6 plants. I'll start a journal soon with details of my setup. Truth is I have no concerns that my plants aren't getting enough usable light, so I'm quite hopeful.

If it makes you feel any better, I ran a lot of maths and 3D models of light projection to get an idea on how to optimise the CFL setup, and so far its damn well working well, so will provide details soon.

Check out ... included more info there :)