Search results

  1. dubbleoh

    Mother Plants - MH or CFLs?

    Just scanning the answers in here and I came up with a follow up question: how "robust" do we need to keep the mother plants? I have been hand watering my one mum now for the last 6 months. She's in coco fibre and gets watered once daily with either a vegetative nute solution or with plain...
  2. dubbleoh

    Rockwool Or Coco

    I am using coco for the first time at the moment (3 weeks into flower) and it has been a great medium. If you have bought quality coco that is low in salts the only reason you should see any stunted growth would be if you mixed your nutes incorrectly... Coco is basically an inert medium. I use...
  3. dubbleoh

    Stretching is killing me

    Not to be too obvious or anything, but I think option #2 - wait it out - will probably be your best option. I have had stretched seedlings before and once they get a bit bigger they seem to do fine. ~d-oh
  4. dubbleoh

    If you could rate a breeder / seed bank

    Speed of shipment (turnaround time) and shipping methods (post vs courier)