Rockwool Or Coco


Active Member
in our cupboard we have 4 white rhino cuttings, i started them of with 1" rockwool cubes & transplanted them into 4" coco blocks & put them in my N.f.T system. I am using quarter strenth nutrients ( canna vega A+B & rhizotonic) my P.H level is 6.2-6.4 i am using 250watt MH light. The cuttings seem to have just started to pick up a little, I was talking to a freind that also has an N.F.T system and he thinks that coco will stunt the growth of my plants & ime using the wrong nutrients for coco has anybody got any advice about this as this is doing my head in cheers TOMBONG.


Active Member
I am using coco for the first time at the moment (3 weeks into flower) and it has been a great medium. If you have bought quality coco that is low in salts the only reason you should see any stunted growth would be if you mixed your nutes incorrectly...
Coco is basically an inert medium. I use full strength hydro nutes on my plants and they're looking beautiful.


Well-Known Member
growing in coco wont stunt your plants. coco is one of the best, IF NOT THE BEST mediums out there.

canna nutes are good. canna recommends using the coco fert for coco but, anything is possible!


Active Member
Thanks for your replies, but i have transferd them strait in to the .N.F.T system in their 1" cubes & they have grown 1" over night & seem to be bushing out aswell, i no that they will need to be supported as they get bigger any sugestions on whats the best way to do this. cheers TOMBONG.:joint::joint::joint: