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  1. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    im very bored ones closer then the other.. both random bagseed i dont have a loupe =( need your guys help thanks again.. second time posting the first one
  2. J

    Why still that "green", "plant" smell after drying?

    thanks everybody i will let the rest hang longer before i TRY and cure them :?
  3. J

    Why still that "green", "plant" smell after drying?

    just an annoying noob question i have a plant im planning on chopping on tuesday.. so last week i took a little bud just to try i dryed it until the outside of the bud was dry and the inside still a little moist still had the "green" smell so i put it in a airtight jar opening the jar...
  4. J

    first grow: Autoflower

    hey spac3 right now im using fowfarm nutes a mix of their Big Bloom, Grow Big, And Tiger Bloom i loved the results.. you can check out my signature for pics in your pics the tips that have turned brown is a sign of too much nutes this early try cutting back on the nutes, maybe half of what...
  5. J

    Second Grow.. Just sharing with the community... Check it out

    can anyone help me out with how long for the second two plants to finish..
  6. J

    Second Grow.. Just sharing with the community... Check it out

    the 3 girls you see are the only things i have growing right now.. my cab wasnt big enough for 3 but i didnt have anything else and i couldnt kill a female<3 your plants are looking good very bushy awsome job!
  7. J

    fem blue mystic

    loooking goood! +rep
  8. J

    Second Grow.. Just sharing with the community... Check it out

    thanks everyone yea that one is very very frosty the others aren't going to frost like that =(
  9. J

    Second Grow.. Just sharing with the community... Check it out

    Hello Everybody just wanted to share my journey with everyone about week 7 of flowering only a 150W hps all random bagseed FF trio tell me what you think :joint: first set of pics is one thats closest to being finished next set is the slowest growing girl also probably smallest my...
  10. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thank you :joint:
  11. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey how are you? i was wondering what you thought on this plant i have here.. white hairs used to be real long and thick.. most turned brown/orange but some white hairs do remain and not all have sucked back into bud.. lower bud hairs are more orange then others i do not have a magnifying...