Second Grow.. Just sharing with the community... Check it out

joe bad

Hello Everybody just wanted to share my journey with everyone

about week 7 of flowering
only a 150W hps
all random bagseed
FF trio

tell me what you think :joint:

first set of pics is one thats closest to being finished

next set is the slowest growing girl also probably smallest


my next baby fell over against the wall for a couple of hours and when i fixed it... a few days later it started growing 3 tops :mrgreen: not evenly or anything but still 3 nice top buds.. cant really tell to much my pictures arnt that good.. also on this plant some small under branches the leave are turning a black... not sure what this is but the plant is healthy...


hope everyone enjoys =)
thank you for visiting


Active Member
very nice for a 150 watt how many plants do you have under it? i also am growing with a 150 watt check me out in my sig...

joe bad

very nice for a 150 watt how many plants do you have under it? i also am growing with a 150 watt check me out in my sig...
the 3 girls you see are the only things i have growing right now.. my cab wasnt big enough for 3 but i didnt have anything else and i couldnt kill a female<3

your plants are looking good very bushy awsome job!


Active Member
the 3 girls you see are the only things i have growing right now.. my cab wasnt big enough for 3 but i didnt have anything else and i couldnt kill a female<3

your plants are looking good very bushy awsome job!
thanks i feel you on the space problem mine is becoming a problem