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  1. DMZ

    How to harvest/pick seeds from bud?

    If she's pollinated, she will have seeds. That's why you don't let them get pollinated, so they don't produce seeds and the THC levels are higher in the buds.
  2. DMZ

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    I was on the main forum page, and I seen the title of the thread and just had to check it out haha. When I clicked on it, it brought me to this last page which I assumed was the first. It was only after I posted that I realized it was such a long thread. The urine composition stats are...
  3. DMZ

    how do i grow and what should i grow? please help.

    You need a fence, you can use chicken wire or some other type of fence that small animals can't squeeze through. Bury it a couple feet into the ground so things can burrow under it. Tall enough so deer or whatever can't reach/hop over it. See if you can plant garlic with it. The garlic...
  4. DMZ

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    I don't think there's enough Nitrogen in piss to do much. Nitrogen is released from the body usually in it's natural form, a gas. It's the gas that makes up most of your fart. EDIT: I didn't read the first post with dietary requirements.
  5. DMZ

    quick newb question? indoor to outdoor!!

    Are they in direct sunlight? Plants move towards light to maximize photosynthesis. Either part of them is in the shade or they're moving just getting comfortable by moving a little closer to the sun. If you really want to know grab a light meter and see if there is a difference. If you have...
  6. DMZ

    Flouride? It only seems to apply to areas that might have Fluoride pollution. Any fluoride from a municipal water source shouldn't harm anything. There's probably already some present in the leaves of most plants.
  7. DMZ

    Water Filtration help? Somewhere doc111 mentions that grocery stores might have a bottled water machine that puts out 10-15pmm on the TDS scale. I think he says it's like $0.25 per gallon if you bring your own jug perhaps...
  8. DMZ

    how do i grow and what should i grow? please help.

    Seems like it would be too late to start a crop now. Winter is coming very soon and you're a lot further north. That cold Canadian air will mess up any of your plans for sure. Spend this winter doing lots of research and gathering things for spring. You can do your landscaping before the...
  9. DMZ

    How The F**k Do I Do This????

    Venting it into the walls/between floors in an apartment building, or even a house really, is bad. I'm sure the air from a grow room is a bit humid. You don't want moisture build up inside of walls. I assume you don't have a window. Maybe you can make your own cooling system like this...
  10. DMZ

    Sharing is caring

    Thanks man. I'm still in the early research period. It will probably be another month or so before plant the first seeds. Capital to raise, alibis to construct, supplies to gather, and things to learn.
  11. DMZ

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    PPM is parts per million. It's a measurement of concentration in a volume. For example, the amount of gases in your grow room atmosphere would be measured and considered in parts per million. Say one part CO2 per one million parts of everything else. Since the proportions are so...
  12. DMZ

    Sharing is caring

    I think the internet makes growing a little easier. Not only can we share information clear across the world but those of us who grow in secrecy have people to talk to. When there's nobody else to turn to, there's always places like these. Anyways, a little about myself. I want to start...
  13. DMZ

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    Lots of great info here. I find it helps to break it down into categories. Group words together by the topic they relate to, it will make it easier to digest and improve your absorption of the material