quick newb question? indoor to outdoor!!


Active Member
first of all let me say thanks for reading and leaving your opinions.

ok i like to grow indoors usually from a seed,i keep them in side on 16/8 untill they get about 2 feet tall,and then i bring them outside.i allways thought the sun was brighter...ect. then the cfl's,but when i bring a plant outside they tend to strech about an inch or two what is the problem lol thanks in advance for the help.


Are they in direct sunlight? Plants move towards light to maximize photosynthesis. Either part of them is in the shade or they're moving just getting comfortable by moving a little closer to the sun. If you really want to know grab a light meter and see if there is a difference. If you have them close to the bulbs inside, they just might be getting slightly more light than they are outside.


Well-Known Member
i've noticed the same thing, i think it depends on your outside location
if you get a full, all day exposure to sunlight, then i believe you will see less stretch
my outside spot is ok, probably 7-8 hours of direct sunlight
when i've put plants outdoors from my cfl chamber, i see the stretch too


Well-Known Member
i think its because when their inside their used to the light being right their on them ,

so when you put them outside their reaching for that light that was on top of them but is not their anymore

if that makes any sense at all ,

thats just my 2 pennies

hell its more then likely something different though lol