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  1. MrMoores

    Still drooping, help needed!

    Imo. It isn't over fert or ph or toxicity it's simple and I spotted it immediately coz iv had the same problem in certain rooms over the years depending on the location and time of year. It's too cold man that bubbly type shit on the leaves sometimes during winter I get it get a thermometer and...
  2. MrMoores

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    What epuipment would I need to take my own plant tissue samples so I could determine for myself what nutrients need correcting ?
  3. MrMoores

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I got a hunch your worth a lot of money, that would be the only way its worth making your own nutrients baring in mind the hours spent, when you could be doing something else more productive with that super brain u seem to have, your own nutrient line up "even MORE advanced nutrients" would put...
  4. MrMoores

    Can cobs be used as side lighting

    I should of mentioned I'm not paying for electric here so that's no issue, that being said would it change your opinion, thxs for the reply
  5. MrMoores

    Going commercial

  6. MrMoores

    Can cobs be used as side lighting

    I have 3 meter by 2 meter tent that's difficult to scrog so I use large trellis , it works well with the 5 HP's and one mh in the centre apart from heat issues (waiting on tastyled for cobs) associated, but I end up with some smaller buds at the bottom even after I trim, so was wondering about...
  7. MrMoores

    Going commercial

  8. MrMoores

    Going commercial

    Discreet packaging needed
  9. MrMoores

    Going commercial

    How can u send me the lights if I live in england ? I was looking on and wondering wot I would need to fit a 2.4 by 1.2 meter area I like to go overkill or more then required atm I have 3 600w hps in, I'd start there then maybe get more of your lights in other places I have 14 600w...
  10. MrMoores

    Going commercial

    I can't seem to find the ppfd for a hps fixture to compare can anyone help
  11. MrMoores

    Going commercial

    Great job with the lights I actually preferred the very 1st prototype plain aluminum look. I do have a qeury thoe, I'll start by explaining my problem and hopefully you can reassure me your lights can solve these problems, its an old problem. Temperatures in my tents are too high but I need a...
  12. MrMoores

    Purchasing COBS in the UK?

    How many of these cobs would you need to replace a single 600w hps ?
  13. MrMoores

    Nutrient question_

    Sounds like cal mag deficiency
  14. MrMoores

    What's wrong with these plants?

    In future start using an ec pen or ppm pen to test the strength of ur feed try not to go above 800 ppm which normally means halfing the recommended dosage on the bottle of feed, I'd follow wot the guys are saiyin here by feeding them just water for a few days, be careful with the aptum regulator...
  15. MrMoores

    week 7 of flower, need to finish on week 8??

    I'd only worry about the weight that you'd lose but the quality will still be there iv used a product in the past called "ripen" and it worked, When u grew the amnesia how much did it stretch and yeild in comparison with previous grows ?
  16. MrMoores

    Smart Pots or What?

    I love air pots always try to use them but they can be dear if ur using a lot of them, swear by em thoe
  17. MrMoores

    Police helecopters

    You need to watch the full thing this guy was an ex fiveO so he knos his shit
  18. MrMoores

    Police helecopters

    See thru walls ?? Seriously u paranoid pusses not happening these cameras pickup heat only, they cannot see thru walls.
  19. MrMoores

    Watering Question

    Gotta be over watering thankfully they would of been drinking a lot at that time and pulled enough water from the pot to drag more air in, the temporary wilt is definitely suffocation (overwatering)
  20. MrMoores

    Light ???

    Lol you fukin lesbian stop kissin ass