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    Everything Ravished, everything burned.

    Jesus, I just shed a tear. I've been gong out everyday and drying stuff off from all the rain we had. Good lesson though huh?
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    owls are trippy creatures...

    Dear god.........
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    owls are trippy creatures...

    In my area there's a bunch of owles that make a ruckus every night! One night I was walking out to my car, trying to be quite because of people sleeping. Again, dead silent. As I approached my car, I heard this screech. It sounded like the owl had a loud speaker! I look up and there's a...
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    drying my buds outdoors??

    ^^mhmhhmhmm. We got some good ideas about! BUDS- that was what I had in mind. Something to block the sun/weather/bird shit etc. But still have plenty of air movement. About cardboard boxes- I would not use them outside. Too much of a risk for mold(if it rains or heavy dew in the morning)...
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    drying my buds outdoors??

    I've been trying to plan something for this, but every idea I think of has a downside. There's so many things to think about. They best idea I had was buying a small tent, WITH AS MUCH AIR FLOW AS POSSIBLE. Maybe like one you take to the beach to block the sun. That way more air can flow...
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    Is it cold outside or what! I've been pretty worried, it's dipped down to 35 deg a couple...

    Is it cold outside or what! I've been pretty worried, it's dipped down to 35 deg a couple nights ago. I got that spotted leaf epidemic going on as well. Harvest can't come sooner! How's your crop doing? I'll have to drop by the thread. -tux
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    Alabama purp outside questions..

    you can't make a thread about purple bud and not post pictures. My stoner eyes need viewing. Although it does sound like your having a hard time. Have you checked on the plants condition? Temps that low will just slow down growth, might not kill it. Depending on strain and how tough of a...
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    There is a Search featue on this site and it works

    It's going to happen no matter what anyone does. As long as they show a picture or 2 who cares?
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    Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

    Mhhmh.....frosty! The hurricane missed my area, but 5 miles away it was brutal? Who knows man, glad your ladies are ok. Is the frosty one the exudous?
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    new grower

    How big do you want the plant to be?
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    Weed is Too Potent!! 3 days cured

    Wait, hold on a sec. This is a thread about weed that's too potent and not one picture? What's that about haha?
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    this is my 2nd grow just what some info like is the plant doing ok for its age

    Looks good bro! Just make sure to feed/water them enough. Good job!
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    Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

    Very nice! It's been a good year for NE growers, I've had perfect sun/rain mix. On a Couple of mine I pinched and bent them over. Luckily, on the ones I trained are female! 6&7 colas each :-))) good luck, I'll be checkin in! -tux
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    Whats up with my "mule?"

    Really gotta post a picture or 2. Sounds like revegging from the picture I painted in my head.
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    Road to Glory....First Grower.....Northern Lights

    Kinda late for east coast, especially growing NL. I would save the Haze for next year, or for indoor grow. Look at some of the sticky threads on this forum, all the info you need brotha. Keep up posted, stay safe.
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    really bad luck

    ^^^weird shit. Bears like to take stuff, but the "generator noise"? That's really freaky. Might not be a good idea to stay there! Time for a new spot! Stay safe
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    what to do getting tooo big

    Oops, should of planned for it! Any pictures of these beasts?
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    After choping my plants what do i do,,

    Dont forget to take the bib off!
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    Help, Is This Mold?

    Its hard to see anything in the pictures, the second picture I see a leaf that looks a bit brown. When you break it apart, does the bud turn to "dust" almost? If it does, chances are it is mold. Otherwise, there's no way you can tell from those pictures.
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    Why is Indo Bud Better Then Out?

    Where are all the pictures?!