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  1. M

    Quick Question

    i dont think its that vague. i go out side. i stick a handful of seeds in the ground, and come back in 6 months. what are the odds of things working out decently? and also even if i keep up on the plants, whats a good time to actually plant them? I'm assuming coming into october is a terrible...
  2. M

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    wow. those are absolutely gorgeous!
  3. M

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    god damn. that 2nd picture makes me so envious. and the 6th one, nice grow! all in all your ladies are exquisite. I wish i had stuff HALF that pretty in my garden
  4. M

    Quick Question

    Ok, so I've been brainstorming multiple ideas for growing options, both indoor and out, stealth grows, hydro etc. so heres my question. say I go out way back in my property to where it borders forest thats my neighbors land, and i stick a bunch of seeds in the ground and just let nature take...
  5. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    i decided i wanna do a stealth grow, maybe outta my spare dresser, or a computer case. I've seen alot of threads about stealth builds and I'm fairly certain they are well documented so I think that is the course I'm going to take
  6. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    alright thanks. sorry bout all the dumbass questions. i just wanna get it right so i can go and order some real seeds to grow.. seeds kind of like... or...
  7. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    perlite i can get easily. as far as sterilization of the soil... what do you recommend?
  8. M

    AF help

    what is AF? i mean i know it stands for autoflowering but wtf does that mean in regards to my normal seeds i pick out and try to plant?
  9. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    ok so heres what i have. i have some GOOD soil from my moms farm. from a compost pile thats about 20 years old now. the soil is incredibly rich and full of nutrients... Its dark dark dark brown and moist. plus i can go back and get some earthworms (i've heard they help) i have a 600w grow...
  10. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    alright thanks man, ill have probably close to a hundred more questions before im through but i appreciate the help
  11. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    hah ooohhh i see i see. that might work out. now just saving up the pennies to get one. i'll get a jump start on my plants though and get them germinating, so they will be around a 1-2 feet in height by the time i pick up an enclosure. do you have any general tips as far as 'au naturale' growing?
  12. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    lol the only tent i have is HUGE. it has like 4 "rooms" in it. like a family tent and sadly MY room is quite small. dimensions of say... 8 ft wide. 12 ft long. and 10 ft ceilings. most of that room is taken up by my futon, dresser, and guitar amps. so i'm trying to find a happy medium.
  13. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    that makes sense. If i do end up putting it in my closet that might work, but is there anyway of doing it without modifying the door or doorjam? I'm on lease and don't wanna get fucked by my landlord if/when i move out
  14. M

    F*ck jail

    i passed a drug test over night. it was a thursday evening. I had been smoking about an ounce a day for a couple months, and got the call about a new job, orientation the next morning at 10. well i drank a 30 packs, a shit ton of coffee, some tea. lots of water and pissed like 500 times on my...
  15. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    yeah i tried something earlier this year, i had a good set up, i still have my growlight but its at my old roomate's house.. i had good growth and everything as planned until about week 6, and then over night my 6 ladies died. i had no bugs in my house but now i believe its from the cigarette...
  16. M

    Odor Control/ Growth Tips?

    Ok so i don't get the newbie treatment "oh read the stickied Ultimate odour control thread" i did. BUT for those of us that are professional bums in college, would incense work to mask the odor? im starting with 20 oz. bottles to get them germinating, BUT i have no sort of fan and im using all...