Odor Control/ Growth Tips?


Ok so i don't get the newbie treatment "oh read the stickied Ultimate odour control thread"

i did. BUT for those of us that are professional bums in college, would incense work to mask the odor?

im starting with 20 oz. bottles to get them germinating, BUT i have no sort of fan and im using all natural light for the time being, can anyone gimme a general direction to proceed?

my ladies wont have very much room in my closet, because its built caddy-corner in my room for some reason... I was thinking maybe 6-7 2 liter bottles eventually.. (I've heard this doesn't yield much, but hey, I'm not trying to make money, I'm growing so I don't have to spend any) so If the yield isn't as much as other methods, I'm alright with that.


Well-Known Member
incense does not do a good job in my experience. its like when you spray that flowery stuff after you go to the bathroom. it always just ends up smelling like flowery shit. growing weed well and getting results takes work. you cant ignore it and then go at the last minute and get an A it takes real planning and preparation to get good buds. i suggest you do a bit more reading.


yeah i tried something earlier this year, i had a good set up, i still have my growlight but its at my old roomate's house.. i had good growth and everything as planned until about week 6, and then over night my 6 ladies died. i had no bugs in my house but now i believe its from the cigarette smoking. it looked as if some sort of bug had eaten all of the leaves, but like i said there were no bugs in my house....

i have a friend who is going to acquire me the things necessary to make a filter, activated carbon? i think thats what its called.. i just have no clue as to how to build ventilation where the filter would actually help at all...



Well-Known Member
you wanna attach the filter to an exhaust fan so the fan pulls air through the filter and out the room. you must make sure you have a strong enough fan to do this. you will also need air vents to allow for fresh air to come in (passive intake). a good ruoe is to keep the exhaust near the ceiling and the intake near the bottom.


that makes sense. If i do end up putting it in my closet that might work, but is there anyway of doing it without modifying the door or doorjam? I'm on lease and don't wanna get fucked by my landlord if/when i move out


Well-Known Member
thats why people i know that rent usually use a tent to grow. that way you dont have to make any holes in the walls or mount anything. these tents can be set up anywhere and taken down easily. always try to go with a brand name tent that extra 50 bucks you might save now will cost you headaches in the long run.


lol the only tent i have is HUGE. it has like 4 "rooms" in it. like a family tent and sadly MY room is quite small. dimensions of say... 8 ft wide. 12 ft long. and 10 ft ceilings. most of that room is taken up by my futon, dresser, and guitar amps. so i'm trying to find a happy medium.


hah ooohhh i see i see. that might work out. now just saving up the pennies to get one.

i'll get a jump start on my plants though and get them germinating, so they will be around a 1-2 feet in height by the time i pick up an enclosure.

do you have any general tips as far as 'au naturale' growing?


Well-Known Member
make sure you get a good soil and make sure everything is clean and dissinfected before you start anyhing. if you are on a budget, i would save up until you have enough money to get what you want go with the brand name especially for the tent. shop around for stuff but dont be tempted by the cheap shit. horticulturists usually demand a quality product but there is alot of garbage out there research before you buy and dont get anything that you have not heard of or cant get any info on. lastly planning is key. sitting down and visualizing exactly what you are gonna do and how you do it as well as getting supplies beforehand will help your grow go as smooth as possible.


ok so heres what i have.

i have some GOOD soil from my moms farm. from a compost pile thats about 20 years old now. the soil is incredibly rich and full of nutrients... Its dark dark dark brown and moist. plus i can go back and get some earthworms (i've heard they help)

i have a 600w grow light, some seeds from some mid grade bud, as well as run of the mill "$25 a quake" seeds. I have a whole lot of planting pots that I can transplant into later on. Its just the fine details of the growing process that I'm unfamiliar with.

would you suggest saving the mids seeds until my next rodeo? because that was what I had intended to do. Save the good shit for when i have a couple notches under my belt.

I guess the biggest thing is how to go about building my set up. I need something thats spacially conservative, but still deep enough for my ladies to get a good root system.

(this is all assuming i don't go out and get one of the grow tents)


Well-Known Member
with that light, ventilation will be key 600w puts off some heat. as far as the soil goes, sounds good but you might want to sterilize to make sure you dont bring any bugs or larvae in that will hatch later. you are right use the seeds you got. also you will need some perlite to mix with your soil. weed likes nice airy soil that can drain easily.


Well-Known Member
i have heard of using the microwave. if your mom has a farm maybe they have a soil sterilizer. i once worked at a nursery that composted and made their own soil and they had a soil sterilizer. it is basically a low temp oven with heating elements. i dont remember much about it and i always buy my soil now but basically i believe you gotta heat up your soil for a period of time i am not sure on the details, but one this i remember is that we would mix in all the additives (blood meal, worm castings, manure etc) after the soil was done


Well-Known Member
never apologize for a question. whats the worst that could happen, the person you ask will either answer or not. good luck if you have any more ?s dont be shy


i decided i wanna do a stealth grow, maybe outta my spare dresser, or a computer case. I've seen alot of threads about stealth builds and I'm fairly certain they are well documented so I think that is the course I'm going to take