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  1. BigBhuda

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    Three simple changes to existing system would address all of the government concerns. 1 - Actually require a safety inspection at the cost of the producer by existing building inspectors. 2 - Change the number of plants license to a square footage or wattage limit. 3 - Producers required to...
  2. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Looks like even Greenline is upping the ante. His other seminars were $300. Now this one was $1695.
  3. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Hey guys. Haven't been around for a while. I have not submitted an application. To be honest I have kind of been hanging back to see how the process goes. I would really like to see what I would consider a small scale mom and pop approved as a proof of concept. We basically have a 1,200 square...
  4. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I agree with Kootenaygirl as far as the goals. To get started I think we need 2 or 3 short term objectives. 1) Get a website and a home. 2) Get members 3) Get a qualified Quality Control Person to do a Webinar for us on what they think will be required. If we need money as we go. We can...
  5. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I don't think that we want to start out as a coop. I think that could evolve later after we have licenses in place if we wanted to join forces for distribution or lab work. For current purposes a non profit corporation would be a better fit. Looks like that costs about $500 to set up. We could...
  6. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Even have a name. Canadian Association of Licensed Marijuana Producers. CALM Producers.
  7. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I agree that we need to get organized. The biggest (or first) obstacle right now to get the application in is the Quality Control report. We need to band together with one company or person familiar with the regulations to provide a quality control manual specific to marijuana. No one seems to...
  8. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    There may be hope, I asked this question: "When a detailed security plan is submitted with an application what feedback will be provided regarding weaknesses in the plan prior to construction and implementation of the plan and before final inspection." "We will be reviewing your proposed...
  9. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The whole quality assurance thing is about coming up with adequate policies and documenting your compliance. You will need to come up with a procedure manual and checklists to prove that it is being followed. Chartered Accountants do this all the time when auditing any procedure. This was only...
  10. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Appears to be nothing but vague answers from them. Looks like we won't know until the inspections start and we can share our experiences. I also asked about QA qualifications and got this reply. Looks like we should all start trying to be our own QA and justify why we are qualified. Only way to...
  11. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I requested them at 9:49 AM June 10th and received them at 12:54 PM June 17th.
  12. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    From what I read it looks like it will be allowed to sell product to other licensed producers. I think essentially dispensaries will still exist. They just won't be allowed to have storefronts. All sales are supposed to be only mail order. The idea of a coop is that it is owned by the producers...
  13. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    It certainly appears that security is their only concern. Perhaps the whole quality control thing is smoke and mirrors to make it appear that they give a shit about the patients. It will be interesting to see how detailed the guidance document will be. Perhaps we are paranoid but after years of...
  14. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Max: What is the email address that you are getting responses through. Is it " " ?????? The question is " Will they provide feedback on building construction, security and Quality Control plans before construction begins. "
  15. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    As far as Revenue Canada is concerned, I would say yes. For the regulations I am sure you would have to follow the quantities in the patient prescription. The interesting part under the current rules is that if you purchase from a designated producer you can use it as a medical expense on your...
  16. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Just started following this thread and it is awesome. Just what we need. For the record I am currently a small dg with only 3 lights, but on a relatively remote acreage with a 30 x 40 shop and would like to expand as part of the new regulations. Excellent questions. I can't see how we can...
  17. BigBhuda

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I think I read that what will happen is that all production must stop by March 31, 2014 but you can use your current authorization until the expiry date to sign up with a new producer.
  18. BigBhuda

    Need Designated Grower in Victoria BC / Vancouver Island

    This is the problem with the current rules in Canada and why they are going to change them. If someone is growing free meds for you they are not doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They are using your prescription to divert large quantities to the black market. They should never have...
  19. BigBhuda

    JayJammer'z Custom Grow-Room Design Thread

    Sorry for the formatting but Here is the equpment list that I have come up with. Probably only start with one room and 2 lights for a cost of around 3K. You can see the difference in cost between what I was able to find in Canada vs the US. Have any Canadians has any experience with Growwurks...
  20. BigBhuda

    JayJammer'z Custom Grow-Room Design Thread

    Looks good but the security feature is a little over the top. I may actually need a door into the operation. :-} too funny. While you are at it, please move the ballasts to the rear exterior wall in the control room. Slide the veg room door towards the rear exterior wall as well and move the...