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  1. B

    just dosed 2cb

    I think I read everything, can you endulge us a bit on your experience? If not, it is punishable by tar and feathering :lol: You would like that though, wouldn't you;)
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    Enter the void

    That's the chick from Boardwalk Empire. She's going to be a big star soon. If not already. movie looks awesome.
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    just dosed 2cb

    May you have An orgasmic experience..8-)
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    legal buds...

    dude... Look at the date. how far back did you dig ? :lol:
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    :clap: take note. :-P
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    San pedro update.

    He has yet to return. I suspect someone is playing in the field of dreams ;)
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    well,, Oxycontin does not Have and apap/acetominophine. It's Oxycodone at it's purest. If you think he was feeling shitty from taking 2 80mg's If he would have took 16 perc 10's which normally contain 325 apap /acet he would have never left the toilet. it would literally feel like your inside...
  8. B

    do you like piperazine (bzp) high

    I fucking hate Pipes dude. With a passion.
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    You are lucky they are being NICE. Me, not so much.. Let's get the fucking facts straight. You have only EVER taken 20mg Oxycodone/ Percs? correct? Follow with me now, keep up! You took 160mg's of Oxycodone?? Thats like taking 16 Fucking perc 10's, Minus the apap/tylenol !!! Do you see what...
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    The big HEAD!

    I got to be honest.. I never even wanted to, NEVER even thought about it. Thats kinda fucking depressing.
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    Kinda Pricy, but Neato!

    The fact that it has a cow that says MMMMUSHBOX is funny for some reason. That's a full blown legit website. Damn...
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    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    No one wants to put the man hours in anymore. Everyone "wants" the source. Sometimes I say fuckit and pay the middle man..... Call me lazy, but don't call me late for dinner!;)
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    The Definitive LSD vs Mushrooms Thread

    Exactly, it's like comparing a blow job to pussy. They both serve a purpose and you might enjoy one or the other more,,, but you'll always want choice! Shrooms, L , shrooms, L ... get back to me when you can't find fluff/needlepoint I dare say..
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    Could this reconfirmation resurrect some from the dead? Oh wouldn't that be delightful! No cannuck.
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    The White Fluff: My Night In With Lucy

    Things are the way we as a whole allow them to be. Make your own destination, beat your own path, set forth a path for the new generation. Do your part. A product of the underworld is a movement my friend. Abide no laws that contradict life. Take what you feel heals. Do that and you have...
  16. B

    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    He was once a earth dweller only to hit the streets!. Canuck, you my friend bring a twinkle to my eye. Reconfirmation is a bitch danja. A whore of a cunt that has herpes. Stay away from it.
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    :lol: you mistaken me for someone new! Well wait.. new in spirit, yes! I've been around the block my friend. My socks, they are no longer existence as I prowl like a tree hugger. Bare footed! But I do admire your delightful report. I see you had quite the night with the fluff. 95-98% pure...
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    The White Fluff: My Night In With Lucy

    It's funny, and true. I still argue with men of age about it's pros and cons. Oddly most who disapprove are drunken fools who drowned there own thought with spirits. Odd how they find wrong in a plant that has 0 deaths yet they chug from the same bottle that surely take lives of loved ones...
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    lol Oh dear, where are my manners? What I meant was fluff is in abundance right now. Certain things are needed more so then others in my area.
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    Fuck fluff. My interest is elsewhere ;)