The Definitive LSD vs Mushrooms Thread


Well-Known Member
i feel like this should be discussed.
i used to think they both were very similar but after reading up on this thread and actually thinking about it....i found it very informative.

"The definitive LSD vs Mushrooms Thread

This question comes up often enough I think that there should be a sticky for it. In the end, Mushrooms and LSD are very different substances, which offer very different experiences and are more different then they are alike. Just because they are psychedelics and make you trip, does not mean they are the same. If that was the case, then why not compare Mescaline to Smoked DMT?

But, that being said - I posted the below message on another forum that asked to compare the two, and I've also quoted another post from that thread which I found to be an interesting read. " ('kaniz'


People seem to think just because mushrooms and LSD are both drugs that make you trip out, that they must be very similar and easy to compare.

To me, it'd be like dunno, trying to compare Meth to Coke, and hell : it's still 100x easier to compare Meth to Coke than it is to compare LSD to Mushrooms.

While Mush and LSD both share some similarities, they have far more differences which set them apart from each other.

They have different body sensations, different durations, different thought-alterations, different visuals.

To sum it up shortly though.

Mushrooms: Passenger in a car that is racing out of control.
LSD: Your the driver, lucid and relaxed.

I find LSD to be a far more lucid, clear and less confusing experience than mushrooms (generally speaking). LSD for me also tends to be far more visual, and the visuals are nothing like visuals on Mushrooms.

Sure, you get some of the same perspective warping/etc. But, you also get heavy patterning, and visuals which don't really seem to hold much biases in reality. Like cartoon houses swinging from trees, islands floating in the sky, etc. where Mushroom visuals /generally/ are more warping/distortions of objects + patterns on top.

Now, on HIGH doses of mushrooms, the visual nature can be very extreme, I've had it look like every surface around me was a portal into a new dimension - that being said, its still very different visuals than what I get on LSD.

Low dose of mushrooms = funny, sociable, I want to go out explore/dance
Low dose of LSD = annoying, high enough to notice it, but not enough to be absorbed into the experience, but still high enough that you cant really do much

High dose of mushrooms = I want to curl up in a dark space and ride it out (*note: I very much enjoy this, not saying it as a bad thing)
High dose of LSD = I want to throw on my backpack and go exploring

Mushrooms : Racing thought loops that I feel like I cant control
LSD: I can control my thoughts much more. I can range from interesting thoughts, but ones I can very much control. I can go as deep or as shallow as I want. Also, its VERY easy (for me at least) to quiet my mind while on LSD. If I choose to, I can pretty much turn off my brain while tripping on LSD and empty it of all thoughts - its a very nice/relaxing experience.

On mushrooms, its like my thoughts are always two steps ahead of me and I'm scrambling to catch up, but never able to stop them.

Generally speaking, I think I prefer LSD over Mushrooms, but if I had to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, LSD would be 10, and Mushrooms would be like, 9.98 -- not too far behind.

Both offer very different experiences, both very worth exploring.

If I had a pile of mush, and a pile of LSD in front of me, and had to chose one, and couldn't do both at once. Chances are the largest deciding factor would be : how much time to I have to dedicate to the trip?

With LSD, its pretty much 12 hours + a day to recover before I feel 100% back to normal. Like, if I drop at 9pm, I'll still be tripping well into the morning, probably wont even get a full 'sleep', then a day sort of basking in the afterglow. I *LOVE* the day after, but I don't always have the time for it.

With mushrooms for example, last week : I dosed mushrooms at 10:30am, by early afternoon I was pretty much back to base-line, and by 2pm, I was programming and working on a website and getting stuff done with my day, I could NEVER do that with LSD.


"Let's get this very clear: If I was presented with a choice of LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, I would choose both, because it's an impossible decision leaving you with regrets either way. Plus, the one time I have combined the two, it was excellent.

So keep that in mind: if you are experienced with the nature of the distortion/disassembly of reality (or the Trip), you should try both together at carefully timed and measured doses.

Now to seperate the two. But first we have to do some basic defining of what a trip can be.

The Mindfuck:
What some people desire more than anything out of a trip, this is usually the kind of trip that scares people more often. You feel an overwhelming sense of self and your thoughts become distorted. I believe visuals come from this but are completely seperate. You may feel very inferior or insignificant, or you may go deep into a 'hole' in which you do nothign but silently think with glass eyes.

My rating on my own personal trip scale? 10/10. This is top-notch. Any good mindfuck trip is a good trip regardless, because it has a very real power.

The Hallucinatory Trip:
Of course, any hallucinogen causes slight distortions in everything, but this is the kind of trip that forces you to focus on insane visuals. You may see 2-D worlds, walls melt away, your friend's face morph into a monster, a lightbulb catch fire and burn. And that's mild hallucinations.

Once heavy ones set in, this can become, more than anything, confusing. You will be mildly amused most times, but it can be scary. This does not, however, cause "bad trips" as often as a mindfuck will. It just makes things stupidly insane.

Also, this can apply to any other sense. You may feel your fingernails fall off, or you may hear people talking in booming, unintelligible thunder.

Rating? 8/10. Can get ridiculous at times, but who doesn't think that true hallucinations aren't cool?

Here's where the big players and big doses come in. This is the kind of trip in which reality no longer exists, and the division between what you believe and what you imagine is shattered. Your friend could catch fire and then you turn into a figment of his imagination, something so unreal that it scares you to death.

This can get very scary and isn't usually very enjoyable unless you are used to it. However, it does happen.

5/10. I was never partial to this kind of thing ,but it's my personal opinion. If you wanna become detached, go for it.

Now those are only three... The most basic three, and you get many variations and this in no way covers all trips, but it gives you a good idea of what else can happen.

So for LSD:
Most people I know report that they don't get visuals like they would expect. This is generally because of that last word: expect. You can completely waste an LSD trip by sitting and waiting for something to happen. For conversational purposes, you must "flirt" with the trip. It will nto come to you wioth constant pressure but will, over time, completely rule your body and mind.

LSD is a huge mindfuck sometimes. And sometimes it's not. It all depends on person. But the average seems to be that LSD is a very curious drug. In that you will be interested in lots of things while you trip. A good hike or boating trip (with SOBER FRIENDS, water looks very groovy) is always nice with LSD.

LSD visuals seem to be more 'real' in the sense that everything seems to have a meaning, even if a tree turns blue and chokes to death on its own falling leaves. It is less insane (nothing too wild, but it does get crazy sometimes) but it is more intense in a way because everything seems so important.

Also, at higher doses when focusing, everything else seems to focus on what you are. For instance, you line up many toothpicks in a grid and focus on a corner. All the toothpicks could seem to lean towards that point. Your thoughts, focus, and ideas seem to become very important and everything beings showing relationships.

So let's analyze.
Low (threshold) dose: Mild restlessness or a feeling of the need for activity. Gentle feeling of "surging" or rushing through your mind. Thoughts become less brief and you begin to take interest in things you do not normally notice. Rated 4/10.
Low (starter) dose: Restlessness prominent. Thoughts very drawn-out and mild visual effects (burred peripherals, prominent focus) occur. Time seems to dilate. Any activity feels very good and cleansing. Very focused, but a tendency to ignore things not focused on does show up. When you set your mind to it, that's it for a while. 6/10 for beginners.
Medium (decent) dose: Restlessness overcome by the generally great feeling of energy, but activity helps. Visuals may occur here. Sound is more impactful. Dilation of time more intense. Patterns interesting. 8/10.
Medium-high dose: Visuals usually become prominent here. Nothing spectacular, but it does tend to happen. A great curiosity and smaller but more pure attention span curse you for the entire trip. Euphoria may follow. Thoughts are very concentrated and can become redundant or looping because of their content. 8/10
High dose: Unignorable visuals, intense removal of previous constraints of the mind. The user feels very aware of themselves and enjoys conversation. Deep, focused talks. Ability to manipulate some physical feeling from time to time. 10/10
Crazy dose: Visuals become insane. Things take on irregular forms, mindfuck completely established. Diminishing of onesself as a simple and insignificant being can and will (eventually) happen on one of these trips. 9/10 for the less experienced users.

And then there were Mushrooms:
Mushrooms are, like previously stated, a "passenger" type drug. You will usually feelveyr little if any control over your trip. Which brings to mind the phrase "ride it out."

Mushrooms are enjoyable, but there is a drawback... You force yourself to take them for what they are, a drug, or you can let them scare you and end up being unhappy. They are top priority upon consumption. There isn't much else to say, and I have to leave somewhere now.

Just remember that mushrooms tend to be more intense. Low-dose trips are less visual but all trips are very mindfucked. High doses retain a lot of ridiculous visual hallucinations and auditory response.

Just ride it out."('kaniz'


Well-Known Member
I'm in love with Lucy, and I'm in love with teonanacatl, and I'm in love with mescalito. They all have their place in my heart. I love all of my teachers ;)


Well-Known Member
i have to say that lucy is my main thing but i have also had sum great and memorable times on mushrooms i will never forget. i think it kinnda depends on the type of person u are and the type of trip u prefer. i have learned alot more from sweet lucy than ever on mushrooms. thanks for the memories LSD


Well-Known Member
lsd takes you to a spacey, alien world. Shrooms takes you to bare existance. That is my findings, to each there own


Well-Known Member
your right ide rather have a lot of acid than a little of both, but ide rather have a lot of acid and a little shrooms, than a lot of acid


Well-Known Member
To put one over the other is a very hard thing to do! I havent' really read much of this thread, but I find the topic to be highly interesting. As said, everything has its place. We are presented with choices everyday, that's why humanity is so god damn lovely, the reason of choice!


Well-Known Member
I think its unfair to compare the two but I guess its ok to enjoy one over the other, I enjoy acid more, but like you said you cant say its "better"


Exactly, it's like comparing a blow job to pussy. They both serve a purpose and you might enjoy one or the other more,,, but you'll always want choice!

Shrooms, L , shrooms, L ... get back to me when you can't find fluff/needlepoint I dare say..


Well-Known Member
Exactly, it's like comparing a blow job to pussy. They both serve a purpose and you might enjoy one or the other more,,, but you'll always want choice!

Shrooms, L , shrooms, L ... get back to me when you can't find fluff/needlepoint I dare say..
Spoken like a true gentleman :lol:


New Member
Exactly, it's like comparing a blow job to pussy. They both serve a purpose and you might enjoy one or the other more,,, but you'll always want choice!

Shrooms, L , shrooms, L ... get back to me when you can't find fluff/needlepoint I dare say..
needlepoint shall be in my near future ;-)


Well-Known Member
To put one over the other is a very hard thing to do! I havent' really read much of this thread, but I find the topic to be highly interesting. As said, everything has its place. We are presented with choices everyday, that's why humanity is so god damn lovely, the reason of choice!
I wish I had the choice every damn day.Miss my blotter fellas and if its in H-town then it is eluding me.Was gonna start some "Penis Envy" caps and There are so many to choose from.You should become my Mentor Sensai Specimen.I had some links to 2c-b,2c-e but lost them in a reboot.


Well-Known Member
i ate some 'penis evny' a few weeks ago in ft collins.
stinkiest, bluest, nastiest tasting, but most potent cubensis i have ever eaten.

did you know the bruising of blue means the oxidation of psilocybin? ;)


Well-Known Member
did you know its not always blue there is purple blue and green, here the strongest feild shrooms bruise green as can be


Well-Known Member
I wish I had the choice every damn day.Miss my blotter fellas and if its in H-town then it is eluding me.Was gonna start some "Penis Envy" caps and There are so many to choose from.You should become my Mentor Sensai Specimen.I had some links to 2c-b,2c-e but lost them in a reboot.
I"ll gladly take you under my wings, come child and be blessed ;)