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  1. The Hobbit

    Cold extraction glycerine tincture

    Thank you so much for a nice thorough answer Qwiso! I have read most of what you write, but it's very very nice to hear it in other words. The part with the cold extraction is just what i needed. Was getting very confused about .. if people decarbed before making the cold extraction... if they...
  2. The Hobbit

    Cold extraction glycerine tincture

    Hehe - second post with questions about tinctures and no answers. I hoped for some help here, but guess it's a wrong forum when it comes to glycerine tinctures :)
  3. The Hobbit

    Cold extraction glycerine tincture

    Hi Guys I am a little confused regarding making cold extracted glycerine tincture. When making it storing and shaking for a long time like minimum 60 days is it correct, that it doesn't need further decarboxylation? My concern is that when decarboxylating in the oven most aromas will be gone...
  4. The Hobbit

    Glycerine tincture from vaped weed

    Anyways - seems nobody have input, i'll finish this off with saying that what i did made some brown sweet tincture tasting of full warm hash... spicy. It takes like 15 drops to feel it enough to really feel it. My buddy needs 30 drops to feel mellow. I threw away the left over vaped and...
  5. The Hobbit

    Smoking or Medibles

    I'd say you get way more bang for your buck eating it. Just make sure it's decarboxylated. Eating MJ you will contain all the cannabinoids. When smoking you'll burn off a good bunch + exhale a lot of them. A good idea, when you make edibles is to make a good bunch each time, and freeze them...
  6. The Hobbit

    Glycerine tincture from vaped weed

    Hi Guys I see a lot of recipes for these glycerine tinctures and am making a couple of tests now. I made one main batch from 30 grams of Jack Herer top shelf - this one i'm cold extracting just shaking every day for a couple of months - i take it the two months in room temperature will be...
  7. The Hobbit

    Won't i burn off THC in the oven?

    Thanks guys. Ok - i think we're going to eat chokolate chip cookies then. I had it on for about 20 hours just at water boiling point, so guess it's decaboxylated already? I used the method with water, butter and marijuana and just let it all just simmer. Was trying to get more weed into the...
  8. The Hobbit

    Won't i burn off THC in the oven?

    Hi Guys 1: I have made a good batch of small dozes of cannabutter. We tested in hot chokolate and it definitely is great. Now my question - If i were to make something like chokolate chip cookies in the oven - wouldn't the oven burn away the cannabinoids? I figure that in liquid water it will...
  9. The Hobbit

    Reverting Flowering back to Vegging?

    Do you know that plants make preflowers? - maybe those could help you sex the plant. Otherwise it could take your plant from 2-6 weeks to kick back. It's very strain related.
  10. The Hobbit

    starting the 7th week flowering skunk photos!!

    Hi - red branches are quite common and often come when plants are a little cold. It does not harm the plant. They can also be random red branches so the plants are not necessarily cold ;O)
  11. The Hobbit


    Hi - you can bend it down a second time any time you feel. As long as you don't break the branch but just bend you'll be fine. Or you could super crop - that's what i do. Just pinch the branch between two fingers before you bend it down. Works the same way - just way easier.
  12. The Hobbit

    Organic grow going wrong - Help!!!

    Think you are feeding her too heavily. I would flush her completely and start over with nutes after you see nice growth.
  13. The Hobbit

    Check out my flowers!

    Yeah - very nice looking plants. Think you're doing great!
  14. The Hobbit

    Help! question about pots

    You can put them into new pots without any problems ;O)
  15. The Hobbit

    Anyone with Sativa harvest expierence

    I grow some very sativa phenos from a Jack Herer packet. Sensi say they'll finish in about 70 days, but mine go well over a hundred days to ripen nicely.
  16. The Hobbit

    How to...

    Put it in a glass jar with a rubber sealing and put that in the freezer - will keep potent in there for at least a year. Will degrade very slow, so even after 2 years some will still be left and good. Make sure your jars are completely air tight.
  17. The Hobbit

    Flowering question (Newb question)

    Hi - It can take as much as 3 weeks before you start seeing real flowers. Before you put them in under 12/12 most strains will show preflowers around 7-10 set of leaves. Try making a search on "Preflowers" - or wait for a couple of weeks to see.
  18. The Hobbit

    Fat Bud With LED ?

    Hi Guys Just wondering if any of you guys tried growing with something like a 600watt LED lamp for flowering? - or something smaller. Would love to see some photos of big fat LED buds since i just got a great offer on a 600watter LED that looks pretty cool.
  19. The Hobbit

    What is the benifet with Auto Flowering seeds?

    If you live in a cold climate where regular plants will not finish because of frost you can use autoflower strains to harvest fat buds mid summer. Autoflowering isn't very good for a regular hydro grow since you cannot clone them and keep a mum like you'd normally do - she'd flower. Hope i...
  20. The Hobbit

    Very Cold Nugs

    Those plants look beautiful. If you water them with nice and warm water they will like it a lot in that cold weather. Me myself am not so fortunate - i've just emergency harvested some plants that didn't like the cold weather much. Congratulations with your beautiful girls!