Cold extraction glycerine tincture

The Hobbit

Hi Guys

I am a little confused regarding making cold extracted glycerine tincture.
When making it storing and shaking for a long time like minimum 60 days is it correct, that it doesn't need further decarboxylation?
My concern is that when decarboxylating in the oven most aromas will be gone.
I hope somebody can clear that up for me.

6 weeks ago i took a jar of XO marijuana - ground it up and covered with glycerine. I have shaken several times every day. So i just need to know if this will be max potent in some months without using heat boiling away the nice tastes?

The Hobbit

Hehe - second post with questions about tinctures and no answers. I hoped for some help here, but guess it's a wrong forum when it comes to glycerine tinctures :)


Well-Known Member
Glycerin is used because its more polar nature allows it to readily absorb sublingually through your mucous membranes... but this polarity also hinders solubility of the psychoactive components..glycerin will hold roughly 30% of its weight in hash..glycerine also has low dissolution rates making a longer soak necessary and fairly inefficient if your using it to extract. You should make hash out of your preferred method then dissolve the hash in hot glycerine ..heat will drastically speed the process up and really no more than a couple weeks is necessary no matter what you do....

yes it will need to be decarbed a bit least 120 days without heat in a stored container .. the carboxyl group is -cooh which breaks into co2 and h2o.. and if you add moisture back it won't reform the chain...sooo it will decarb in a sealed environment like curing your weed. Because its sealed your bud doesn't loose precious components and remains hydrated and tasty just like good cured bud should....if you decarb in the oven not only is it much more inefficient, destroying your cannabinoids but also flavorful terpenes through pyrolisis, the terps left now aren't even the same, some are very sensitive and easily denatured...
Now you could reflux(enclosed boil) to quickly decarb without loosing as much, given its cool before opening..ovens decarb will boil off most flavorful compounds.. without water, in the oven there's nothing holding them back, the terps are sort of trapped in the trichome behind a waxy layer and sort of clinging to internal moisture as well. With their similar boiling point they all boil away together in the oven

Also the higher the temp you use the less efficient. This goes for every process
when decarbed at 500(your lighter) 50% or so makes it as intact thc when decarbed at 210 70% makes it as thc..when decarbed at 170 something like 81% when decarbed without heat its in the 90's.....and because thca is a larger molecule, with its cooh carboxyl chain, decarbing will never be 100% efficient. Thc is just smaller...but low 90's is possible without heat..

Light and heat are the enemy of your terps

The Hobbit

Thank you so much for a nice thorough answer Qwiso! I have read most of what you write, but it's very very nice to hear it in other words. The part with the cold extraction is just what i needed. Was getting very confused about .. if people decarbed before making the cold extraction... if they did i guess they could might as well make everything hot extraction at get done with it.
So... i get it im sure. So to get the absolutely best tasting glycerin tincture i need to just store/shake it for another two months (4 months all). I tried a small drop to taste the cold extraction after 6 weeks and it's already kind of bobbling on the tongue.

Thank you for your help Qwis - you're the king! :)