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  1. M

    General Hydroponics Flora Series

    found this a while back
  2. M

    please help with nutrients

    Any info on General Hydroponics Floura Series??? I think thats what I am gonna go with
  3. M

    please help with nutrients

    I just started up a small hydro system with 12 plants. THey have been in there for a week and a half and are doing alright. I am feeding them jacks all purpose 202020 and i dont think its really for hydro. COuld i have some suggestions for both veg and bloom, NPK numbers, and brands. Thanks
  4. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    will the hps and mh speed growth up
  5. M

    stunted growth

    right now i have an aeroponics system set up with 12 plants but all i have is 80 watts of flouro light a foot over them. Could this be y they are not really growing to quick.? Btw they are 3 weeks old only 1.5 weeks in hydro system with 20-20-20. fert.
  6. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    i mean they aren't dying they continue to grow just the bottom leaves look like hell. you said they were small for 3 weeks could it be that there is only 80 watts of flouro light on the about a foot high. i have a 400 watt mh and hps light and ballast on the way now.
  7. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    should i cut those leaves off with a razor blade since they arent gonna make it anyway
  8. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    so to flush should i just use water in the reservoirs?? and plants will continue to get big in just wter
  9. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    SO should i switch fertilizerer or just add more. the room is definitely not humid.
  10. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    Its not the first 2 that come out of the ground it is the ones off those but then above it is fine.
  11. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    Yea just the bottoms and they were started as seeds in soil for the first week and a half.
  12. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    I mean they have only been in a hydro system for a week in a half. I started them in some crappy soil then found this cheap setup on youtube and decided to switch them over. I thought maybe i messed something up when i washed the roots off for the transfer. Another thing i wondered is if I didnt...
  13. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    Thanks i just wasn't sure because the other ones dod not to that and i thought it was weird that it only happened in 1 tank and not the other
  14. M

    sick plants week 3 HELP!!!

    These 5 plants seem to be struggling compared to the other 6. For some reason right after being transferred to the hydro set up the bottom leaves started to curl and turn yellow, however the top leaves stayed green and keep growing. One of the plants did completely die though. Here are 2 close...
  15. M

    plant problem at 3 weeks old

    new thread in a minute