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  1. E

    Sex Is Cheaper Than Ever.

  2. E

    The Art of The Auto

    best post ever tbh wassup everyone, thinking of changing to AFs after my next harvest so gonna start hanging here and steal all your knowledges :)
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    Lifeisshort117's first grow journal - Northern Lights/Pure Afghan

    looks like you got some nice healthy seedlings there man. you defo wanna check out LST to keep them short, theres a great guide in the "advanced techniques" section of this forum. Sea/screen of green methods are great but you might wanna get a few grows under your belt so you are comfortable...
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    show your cfl cabinets

    almost finished my new stealth cab, similar to monsters up there. will post a few pics when i finish work :)
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    Gregory Isaacs RIP

    Not sure if anyone has made a thread yet (can't find one on first few pages), but Gregory Isaacs died yesterday at his London home, I believe from cancer. Any reggae fans out there will know / love his music, and even if you aren't a fan you've probably heard his song Night Nurse. He made...
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    GrowCab 2.0 is here, Time for round 2.

    looks like a nice setup man. i'm hopefully setting up my new grow box this weekend, was wondering how you power the pc fans? sounds like a nice cheap way to vent so i might try it too :)
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    Very small grow room

    As said above, people grow in PC cases so it is definitely possible to use your space. There are a few key choices and useful tricks to consider: - Firstly, training and pruning will help you keep your plant short. Do a thread title search on this forum for "how-to lst", "low stress training"...
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    Ozone generators?

    i've started using one recently, works a treat, but be careful as inhaling too much ozone is really bad for you, as chewy said above.