Very small grow room


Hi there, I'm new to the forum and to growing. I have wanted to grow for some time now, as the stuff around here is mostly middies. The only place that it is possible for me to grow inside though is only 27" x 18" x 40". Is it possible to grow even a few plants in this space? I know that I would need at the smallest a pot size of 6" x 6" x 6", so I could probably fit about 9 of them (would be really cramped). But what I'm worried about is the very short height that I have to work with; I originally wanted to grow WW but I've read that it can get to a height of almost 6'!

Are there any strains that grow to a very short height? Is it even possible to grow in such a tight space? I would be able to open the door and ventilate the space into a dark room for a few hours every day.


Well-Known Member
People grow in Pc cases so it can definitely be done! Couple things to consider..

- Its recommended 1 plant per square foot as a general rule of thumb..

-Ventilation is key and heat is most likely going to be your biggest issue.. " You will need to vent the air consantly with a decent exhaust fan and suck in air with either a passive intake or another fan for intake.."

-Lowryder strains are good for keeping short. Also on top of that you could "Lst" any strain and keep it short for the most part.. "Low Stress Training," look into it!

-It will also help to pick a strain with a shorter flowering cycle, in this case an "autoflower" might be a good choice because they automatically go into flowering without having to switch the light cycles..

Those are just a couple things to consider, it can be done but takes time and effort for sure!
As said above, people grow in PC cases so it is definitely possible to use your space. There are a few key choices and useful tricks to consider:

- Firstly, training and pruning will help you keep your plant short. Do a thread title search on this forum for "how-to lst", "low stress training" and "pruning" to get you started.

- SoG/SCRoG is a nice way of growing your plants in an area with very little height but a decent amount of width or length. Again, a search on the forum will tell you all you need to know about this.

- When choosing you lighting I would consider using CFL lamps over HID/HPS/MH or whatever. The reason being is that CFLs are generally very "cool" bulbs in comparison to their light output, and such are perfect for small spaces with just a few plants.

- Keeping the temps down will be a constant battle unless you plan ahead and, if possible, install an outake fan, or failing that, at least have a hole where air can pass through and a small oscillating fan sitting amongst the plants. Again, there are plenty of good threads here dedicated to the subject.

- I wouldn't suggest trying more than 5 plants in that space, and even then you could find they get pretty cramped. While pruning/training will help keep their size down, you also need to allow space for air circulation and to maximise the efficiency of your lighting. It's better to be in a sitatuion where you're grumbling that you could have fit another plant in after all, than to be killing one of them off after spending time and money on it. Although thats just my opinion.

- As for seed choice, indica is probably a better idea as they tend to be shorter, but read up about seeds you're interested in, check grow journals etc, and always remember you can train most strains relatively easily. Growing an autoflowering strain is an idea to consider as well as they are generally very short as standard.

Hope some of that helps, ended up as a real wall of text, my bad.